A Big ........ amp


Gimmee Caffeine
Jun 4, 2002
A building somewhere in Sydney
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Who has seen the movie "Back To The Future"?

I just threw on the DVD and just watched Marty plug that little bitty guitar into the big big big huge-ass amp ... then blow it up.

Nice :)

Scarey thing is I think I could imagine several people (Lord Tim anyone?) wanting to have his way with that amp ;)
:lol: :lol: I love that scene. I love the hard rockin' version his band is doing of "The Power Of Love" in the audition too, it rocks! That's a very cool song.
Indeed they are - the box set was well put together.

It had better be considering they took longer on it than your average Iron Maiden DVD :lol:

I didn't realize that Heuy Lewis was in the movie until I watched some of the extras...
you know what ...

Lets fucking do an Aussie SpinalTap movie lol ..

Doesn't have to be huge . doesn't have too have Flying cars and drummers that Explode lol ....
seriously ... just home made one lol ... get a cuple of digi cams and lets compile a script based on everyone's idea of what can be in it .. find good locations , include shitloads of Aussie bands in ther natural habitats lol "gigs" and shoot it in a cuple of different states .... then we can sell it to like ABC or SBS .... Even prime channels might be interested lol .....

Why the hell not .. and please , no ifs nor buts lol :p