a bit off topic but eh, what can you do

No-Mercy said:
is anyone else still rockin the cd player? everybody my age has ipods, i hate them they are gay....buying the album is where its at!! cmon, anyone with me?

Well, I wouldn't know if they are gay, but I am still into CD's 100%...Well, I guess it's the same as when CD's took over vinyl. It will take some years to see Ipod and monsters are probably easier to use...
I rely mostly on CDs. Now, I used to be a stalwart like you, really. Very keen on the artwork one gets with a CD etc. I still am. That said, I bought an iPod for a trip I took to Russia recently - a few months back. To say it has improved my music life is an understatement. I have, basically, my whole CD collection with me at all times. Hard to find a downside to that. When I learned you could import your CDs to it I was sold (my brother kept telling me to get one).

For what it's worth, I'm 34 and have lived through format changes from LP to cassette to CD....to this. I don't think that MP3s will replace CDs (not for me anyway), but I dig the shit out of my iPod.
iPOD sucks! Sorry but I need to feel the CD player, I need to touch the CD. I don't count the MP3s as part of my collection, I don't even count CD-R as part of my collection.

Hope I'm not insulting anyone but MP3s per se and iPODs are soulless, I'll stick to my CDs and/or vinyls (and of course my tapes for the walkman and the car :D)
Wyvern said:
iPOD sucks! Sorry but I need to feel the CD player, I need to touch the CD. I don't count the MP3s as part of my collection, I don't even count CD-R as part of my collection.

Hope I'm not insulting anyone but MP3s per se and iPODs are soulless,

I agree wholeheartedly! Although I do have a few CD-R's (its a great way to find out if you are gonna really love the album or not). I'll buy the original of any album I really dig... there nothing that can replace having the artwork, lyrics, and the original CD in hand! :headbang: IMO
yup, still sportin' the CD player. I love the feeling of going into a shop, buying a CD, unwrapping, opening it, tossing the CD in and letting it rip, while you peruse through the booklet. Nothing like it, folks!
Ok, I don't intend to be the iPod defender here, mostly 'cause I'm not really passionate about such things. But, it's worth noting that you can still (and I do) buy CDs. In fact, I've downloaded approximately three things from iTunes. You can put the CDs on the iPod. You still get the artwork, you still get the collection etc. Again, not a defense, but when I go to work these days I have the whole Black Sabbath catalogue, the whole Maiden catalogue, the whole Saxon catalogue, the whole Nevermore catalogue, and, oh I don't know, about 200 other albums right in my hip pocket. Also, all the CDs I've purchased since the iPod are in pristine condition. I still put them in the car player from time to time, but mostly they stay really nice 'cause I only have to play them once to get them into the iPod. And I do interact with them still. I love booklets etc. Anyway, to each his own.
In my opinion, the Ipod is the single most important invention since the internal combustion engine! And, so there's no misunderstanding, I still buy TONS of CDs regularly. The Ipod and the CD are meant for one another!

Why walk around with a CD player and but a handful of CDs only when you can carry your Ipod in your pocket with literally HUNDREDS (or more) of your fav albums downloaded to it?

In my opinion, the Ipod is MADE for metalheads - people that generally have massive CD collections. In my view, an Ipod serves little or no purpose for the casual pop fan who buys 3 CDs a year and relies soley on radio.

I don't see how or why one would "hate" it....very weird.

Wyvern said:
iPOD sucks! Sorry but I need to feel the CD player, I need to touch the CD. I don't count the MP3s as part of my collection, I don't even count CD-R as part of my collection.

Hope I'm not insulting anyone but MP3s per se and iPODs are soulless, I'll stick to my CDs and/or vinyls (and of course my tapes for the walkman and the car :D)

I'm not sure you're capable of insulting anyone. :D Soulless is a pretty harsh term IMO but not insulting.

I don't count anything but my CDs as my collection. And that entire collection goes everywhere I go in the form of MP3s on my player. Nearly every track on my player was ripped by me from the CD I purchased. I would not have it any other way. I would not own anything that I couldn't check the liner notes, writing credits, producer, engineer, etc., etc., etc.

My CDs and their inserts stay at home where they are safe from the hazards of travel to and from work and coffee spills and greasy fingerprints from reading them over lunch. There have been more than a few times where I've wanted the insert to look something up at work and not been able to find it on the net. And that does suck because my old fart's brain doesn't remember that I wanted to look it up until I'm at work again the next day. :erk:

For me it's a tradeoff. I like the fact that no matter my mood I have exactly the album I want no matter where I'm at. There were far too many times where I'd be stuck at work without a good enough disc for my mood out of the two dozen I had with me. It's not a perfect solution but I don't think one exists. If they would allow the liner notes, etc. to be added to the player and displayed it would come a lot closer to having the disc in hand.
Wheezer said:
I'm not sure you're capable of insulting anyone.

That's because I'm on my Anakin phase, wait til I transform into Darth Vader :p

I was referring to my iPod sucks statement. And that it's pretty harsh considering the amount of technology in an iPod. I have a friend (not metalhead) who love to rip and d/l music and then put it on his iPod Shuffle. If you consider the size of the gadget it's amazing what it can does.

With me it's also a question of patience, I don't have it to rip music and store it and then put it into the iPod. To me it's far more easier to pick a CD or a tape and then just go out.

Since CDs and tapes are limited by a 75-100 min range, an alternative that I have being playing with it's a miniDisc, which can store over 100 mins of music, it's rewritable and very small. Still not hungry enough for it :D
I am with alot of poeple that have posted before. I detest downloading. I love my cd collection dearly and will never resort to downloading. Like others have said, I love going into the store buying a cd and having the album art and all that jazz. However, I do plan on buying an Ipod so i can have all my music with me in a very small convinient player. In no would purchasing one cause me to buy less cd's. Very handy lil device.
I use my mp3 player whenever I'm going somewhere, or I'm at home and I need to be quiet. But when I want to play something loud, I pop in the cd and crank the stereo, because loudness+quality=good
I would like to get one for travel. Being able to cram 3000 songs into a little device that can fit into your pocket is perfect for long plane rides.
Wyvern said:
That's because I'm on my Anakin phase, wait til I transform into Darth Vader :p

:lol: :lol:

Wyvern said:
With me it's also a question of patience, I don't have it to rip music and store it and then put it into the iPod. To me it's far more easier to pick a CD or a tape and then just go out.

The initial ripping of the entire collection was pretty brutal and did require some patience. It took about a week and a half of fairly dedicated attention. And I don't have near the collection that you do. Now when I get something new it gets unwrapped, plugged straight into the PC, ripped, and downloaded.

My problem was that I was getting pretty lazy about swapping out the CDs in the travel case and I was in a rut. This has solved that problem for me and I listen to a pretty wide variety from day to day.

Wyvern said:
Since CDs and tapes are limited by a 75-100 min range, an alternative that I have being playing with it's a miniDisc, which can store over 100 mins of music, it's rewritable and very small. Still not hungry enough for it :D

Oh believe me, it took a lot of soul-searching before I finally got my player. I knew that not having the booklets was going to bother me. The one thing that I've noticed is that I don't know the names of the songs on the new stuff I've gotten since I got my player. :confused:
Evil? said:
I am with alot of poeple that have posted before. I detest downloading. [..] In no would purchasing one cause me to buy less cd's. Very handy lil device.

Downloading has caused me to buy more CDs than I would have otherwise. Being able to listen to an album a coupla times before buying it has ensured that what I buy is going to get the crap played out of it. I still make blind buys on occasion but the number of CDs sitting on my shelf and collecting dust after the first few listens has decreased by a ton.

Downloading instead of buying is stealing. Downloading to try out an album is technically wrong but I've gotten far more value out of my purchases and I support artists that I feel deserve my support.
Dodens Grav said:
I don't see why using an mp3 player prevents you from bringing the CD (or at least the CD booklet) along with you if you really wanted to read the lyrics or liner notes on your trip. :loco: If you think about it, it's just as easy, and in some situations easier, to bring the booklet along with you with an iPod than with a CD player.

You're right, of course. I just have to figure a way to do it that I'll feel confident the booklets will be protected. My old CD sleeve case would probably do the trick. Thanks! I hadn't thought much about it.
I've had my Ipod for a little over a month and I love the thing. I had all my CD's ripped to my hard drive already so I just stuck what I wanted on the Ipod. I still will buy CD's. It just makes it much easier to transport more of your collection around with you.

An example was this past weekend at ProgPower. I had my Ipod and a set of computer sperkers in the room at the hotel. Instant stereo system with over 4000 songs to choose from! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I see the benefits of the iPod.
However, I've got the collector addict mindset, so I need to have the physical disk in a case to add to the collection. Unfortunately I'm running out of room to store all my cds, so I may need to start considering alternatives at some point.