a bit off topic but eh, what can you do

SavaRon said:
An example was this past weekend at ProgPower. I had my Ipod and a set of computer sperkers in the room at the hotel. Instant stereo system with over 4000 songs to choose from! :rock: :rock: :rock:

No doubt brother!!! Was great to have hundreds of songs to choose from out of a small but loud player! Beats hauling a bunch of cd's around with you. I personally cannot wait to get one of these, though I will dread the initial loading :ill:
I am a total mp3 freak!! I have all my favorite albums riped as mp3's with the --alt-preset standard settings. Having connected my PC to my living room stereo I have acces to my albums within seconds!!

However I have not yet bought an mp3 player. But I am looking around for one at the moment.
Yes, the initial loading was a pain, especially since my computer hard-drive crashed not long after I first did the load. Long story, but in the end I had to do the whole damned thing over again. Once it's in though, it's in....and you are off and running.

I tend to listen to albums straight through, probably like most folk here. But I would also point out that choosing the Shuffle option from time to time produces eerie results. Sometimes my iPod chooses 5 or 6 of my favorite songs in a row from different albums. It kinda weirds me out a little. Or, it will choose just acoustic songs all of a sudden. It's totally random, really, but sometimes I am a little impressed with it's "choice" of order. Still, I don't shuffle too much, just when I'm too lazy or uninspired to choose something.
ipod's are SO GAY, Z0MG T3HY 4R3 S0 P0PvL4R (hence being gay)

anyways, I love my ipod, like said before, it's genious. I have my entire cd collection at my fingertips, in the size of a deck of cards.

I honestly dont see how you can think they're stupid, I dont download music, unless I'm sampling from a cd I plan on buying, I buy cds every week (or whenever I have money) so.......dont understand where you're coming from there.