A Cool Amon/Deicide Story


drowning in Nirvana
Nov 27, 2002
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So long ago. It was October of 1898. My parents decided to retire and move to Tampa, Florida to this new housing development. I had loads of friends and a boyfriend I left behind in Pa,, but who cared; Florida was beautiful, and I wanted to make a new start. I was there maybe 3 weeks, going crazy cuz I had no weed or source for any. I was 19 and working, so meeting up with potheads was not likely. One day, I smelled that familiar smell. The next house over from mine had just finished being built, and was being painted. I look outside and see this GORGEOUS blonde guy smoking a joint (Eric). I ran up to him and asked if I could join in. He gladly obliged and asked for my number. So he calles me up and asked me if I wanted to go to his band, who just changed their name to Deicide , practice...having nothine better to do, and thinking he was cute, maybe something could happen. So I pick him up, and we speed away from his girlfriend, and what I assume was his baby. I was thinking "what have I gotten myself into?" So I get there, and meet the band. Eric and I become fast friends, and I began to really like Steve. He called me and we went to a few movies. One day, Eric, Steve and I went to the Oldsmar Flea Market to whenre Ace's record's used to be. The Amon shirt was on the wall, and Ace would not let me buy it cuz it was the display one. Eric and Steve were rummaging thru magazines; reading about morbid Angel. In one interview with Dave, he was asked if Tampa held any other good bands.."Well, there's this band called Amon"....I ended up returning to Pennsylvania cuz I missed my olf friends and boyfriend. When I moved back in April of 1990, I called Steve. His mom told me he was touring Europe. I could not believe it. We saw each other at shows a few more times, but the last I heard he bought a house in Palm Harbour. I also knew them thru "Ritchie Rich", and the satanic house they had in 92. Good times were had by all. Those were the good old days. Now i sit in toronto and eat pudding and cry and wish my life was just a tiny bit more like it was. Those were the best times of my life. And pssst! Benton got married ijn a CATHOLIC church!! But he's a good guy, and a great painter. I mean of portraitsl; he did not work with Eric.
I coudn't quite understand the end of your post. You said Glen was a painter of portraits and he did not work with Eric. Were you saying Eric was a painter for a living, i.e. house painting, industrial, etc? I find it hard to believe Glen was married in a church, he claimed he was married in McDonalds once in an interview.
i meet Deicide and Desolation on 4/20 2002 :grin: at Nothern Lights in Clifton Park NY, and they seemed fucking cool as hell...and Glen has a little Ego but it isnt bloted like Trey of Morbid Angel...you wanna talk egos holy shit
Your from Toronto? So am i. I Saw deicide play at the katherdral room on younge street. Why the HELL would Glen Benton get married in a Catholic church? What a hypocryte! BLAME IT ON GOD BLAME IT ON GOD .............. MARRY ME IN YOUR HOUSE OF SODOMY. Are you sure he really married in a catholic church? Are you sure he didnt spit in the pastors face afterwards, did he do this as a joke? Man i just couldnt picture it. What a compromise of beleifs thats for sure. When i seen the band play in Toronto they seemed really irritated. I got to meet Glen and talk about philosophy and we discussed religon, we had a pretty good talk. Now if they had done a sold out show in the Skydome they would have brought the roof down.
Whats Trey like? I thuoght he was a cool dude so from what people have told me. I guess everyone wants to be the best and feels they are the best. I dont get it, i thuoght death metalers apreicated their fan base and support? I dont think rewarding us with egosism is the way to gain support. It wont make us like them anymore it will make us HATE! I mean if most death metal is antichristian based they talk about THIEr egos and beleifs (christians) then why in the hell would the egositicise themselves when thats what they are against? I think. I dont know seems to me the music industry is all a show. Satanism vs christ is a money making scheme. Its all bulshit, someone juist shoot the pope and end all organised religon all together so we can all live in fucking peace.