A couple different questions


New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2004
Hi Chris! Thanks for the inspiration bro....guys like you give me hope.
Anyway, I have a couple of unrelated questions for ya:

1)It seems you are now using ENGL Powerball amps(which I have no experience with), but I read that you used to use a Tech 21 PSA-1. If this is true I'm wondering how you used it in a live setting. What poweramp was used, what settings on the pSA-1 were your favorite, did you use anything along with the psa-1, which cabs did you use? Also, just curious why you aren't using it anymore? Were there some things about it you didn't like? I have one and am trying to set it up for live use.

2)Regarding technique--this is a question I've always wanted to ask players who have world class rock/metal technique. It seems that some players employ sweep picking on 3 note per string scales/modes...which definitely allows for great speeds...if you can do it. I cannot seem to change my way of alternate picking these scales. Guys like Vinnie Moore and Petrucci would definitely alt pick....but there are others who seem to get a great result sweeping them. For instance George Bellas sweeps them and he has fantastically clean and articulate chops w/unbelievable speed.
I want to know what your opinion on this is. What technique do you use for 3 nps stuff?

Thanks for your time and help!
AutumnReign said:
Hi Chris! Thanks for the inspiration bro....guys like you give me hope.
Anyway, I have a couple of unrelated questions for ya:

1)It seems you are now using ENGL Powerball amps(which I have no experience with), but I read that you used to use a Tech 21 PSA-1. If this is true I'm wondering how you used it in a live setting. What poweramp was used, what settings on the pSA-1 were your favorite, did you use anything along with the psa-1, which cabs did you use? Also, just curious why you aren't using it anymore? Were there some things about it you didn't like? I have one and am trying to set it up for live use.

2)Regarding technique--this is a question I've always wanted to ask players who have world class rock/metal technique. It seems that some players employ sweep picking on 3 note per string scales/modes...which definitely allows for great speeds...if you can do it. I cannot seem to change my way of alternate picking these scales. Guys like Vinnie Moore and Petrucci would definitely alt pick....but there are others who seem to get a great result sweeping them. For instance George Bellas sweeps them and he has fantastically clean and articulate chops w/unbelievable speed.
I want to know what your opinion on this is. What technique do you use for 3 nps stuff?

Thanks for your time and help!
Hey AutumnReign,
I used the PSA-1 for a long time and loved its tone, but there was a harshness that you could never dial out unless you removed all of the top end. I've used it with a couple of different power amps: Mesa 2:90, and Peavey classic 120/120, going into a 4x12 v30 bottom cab. My rhythm settings were close to the pantera preset on it.

For your second question, I don't believe you should consider any one technique for speed; it should be for musical considerations, such dynamics and accentuation. I tend to alternate a lot when I pick 3nps scales because they sound more aggressive, if I want a more flowing sound then I would slur or sweep the scale.
Take Care, Chris.

One simple question.....how did you become such a bad ass kick ass, true guitar player? What drove you?

\m/ (>..<) \m/

ahhahaha, Hey Jaime, how's it going?
To answer you question, I play guitar to impress all the girls, like the one you mention in the above post. All she cared about was how I played the guitar!!!