A fan e-mailed me this..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
**** I had signed up for the Anthrax Mailing list a while back, when they first re-did their web site. At that time the web site claimed that I would receive all of the up to the minute news and information about the band. All I have ever received from this is information about the next thing that they had for sale! The last one just took the cake, they wanted me to bid on a signed copy of their "No Hit Wonders" CD & DVD ! I can not believe that a band would try to claim that "This was just the right thing to do" and "Darrell's death made us realize that we may never get a chance to do this again" or "We did this for the fans", when all they are doing is trying to cash in. It really makes me sick to think that this is what I get for being a fan for all these years. I have seen S.O.D. three times, and M.O.D. four times, EVERY*ONE OF THESE SHOWS I have at least gotten to shake your hand and say "Hello". I also have got your autograph (for free I might add) , and have had a drink with you. That being said, I have also had the opportunity*to talk to Dan at the S.O.D. shows. Never have I seen Scott or Charlie at one of these shows, or an Anthrax show ( I have been to twelve Anthrax shows ), I guess it's not really to hard to see who really cares about the fans! I would really like to say Thanks for keeping true to the fans, and Thanks for the entertainment that you have provided through the years. I hope you make it back to Detroit soon (you said maybe with a new project). Anyway, Stay Real.*
* Thanks, Chris Johnson******************************
* c.l.johnson@comcast.net
Yeah Fuck Anthrax. I made the mistake a while back of buying "We've come for you all" total garbage. I now use the cd for coaster, thats all its good for.
Rosenfeld sounds like he's a real yiddish dick milker.
That whole thing is just disgusting...what a bunch of scumbags. I've never been a fan... I think their music sucks, so it doesn't bother me at all, but it's obvious they have no true appreciation for their fans who have remained loyal...and that makes them a bunch of money grubbing assholes. It's better that Billy isn't associated with them, because he's genuine.
Jenna_Bush said:
"Doin' it for the fans?"

If that were true, they'd be giving it away on their website for free--just like Billy did.

Good point Jenna. On their website they boast about how many album sales they have worldwide...if that's the case, they shouldn't need the money...unless it's been squandered on red beard dye and little boys.

Along with Ian's new distortion pedal, he's also marketing a new hair dye...it's called Dimebag Red.
wow, that´s the most fucked thing i´ve ever heard. scott and charlie are really just nothing than business man. pathetic...

I have at least gotten to shake your hand and say "Hello". I also have got your autograph (for free I might add) , and have had a drink with you. That being said, I have also had the opportunity*to talk to Dan at the S.O.D. shows

... as i said before: billy and danny rule, but charlie & scott should get their ass fucked. stupid rockstar bullshit...

... before i forget:

to me it´s cool billy always fucks with anthrax, because they deserve it for just beeing cocks.

this is what i read on anthrax.com:

Gotten a bunch of emails about the Anthrax eBay auction. YES, IT IS FOR CHARITY, and the charity is not my back pocket, I think it may be going to Make A Wish or something like that. That being said, bid now!

sounds not bad while reading, BUT: why don´t they give away THEIR money for charity??? NOT their FANS MONEY??????? i hate that rockstar-crap. hail people like billy. you can still talk to them like you talk to normal human beeings. not aliens or gods.
Yeah fuck that wannabe Rock Star bullshit by not talking with the fans. I'm not talking for an hour or something but just to hang and talk shit for a couple of minutes goes a long way. Having a beer with them is cool too.

I don't understand why musicians act like pricks nowadays. I mean, if you were so inclined to be a cock years ago, you could pretty much get away with it then with there being no internet around for people to know shit. But now, all that negative shit does is snowball and before you know it you're playing to 50 people in some shithole when you used to do a 1000.