Interesting tid bit from the Antrax board


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
jns said:
I too met Rob Halford at the Priest/Anthrax show last year. He was awesome! I got to have a photo taken with him and also one with their drummer Scott Travis, plus autographs.

I have to mention something derogatory about Anthrax on that evening (get over it Brentney Spears, this is the U.S.A.). A buddy and I saw the show, which was awesome. Afterwards, we met Halford out in the parking lot, then waited for over four hours in the freezing cold outside of Anthrax's tour bus to try to meet them. We were the only two in that whole damn place that waited to meet them. Unfortunately, they chose to stay on their tour bus watching the Discovery Channel (we could see them watching this on their bus). They couldn't take one minute out of their television watching time to meet two long-time fans. We waited, spoke with the road crew, and tried everything, but they just ignored us. Now, how could "The Metal God" greet us with such appreciation, while Anthrax simply ignored us?

I have been an Anthrax fan since the mid 80's, have seen many shows, but was so disappointed with the fact that they didn't give a fuck about their fans. I still love their music, but many friends and I have boycotted their recent shows in my area for this reason.

Anthrax, if you're reading this, remember: we're the reason why you guys are not flipping burgers somewhere. Take care of your fans, or they may go away!

Take it for what it's worth.

Priest fucking rocks and always will!:headbang:
i remember a show me and a friend went to a few years back.
Scott, Frankie and Charlie all bailed and headed for the bus. security blocked any fans from getting to them and they never looked back or acknowledged the fans waiting to see them, at all.

after a few disappointed moments, my friend got the bright idea to just barge past the barrier and into the dressing room, which was right by the stage.
i followed and we were met at the door by Paul Crook, who was playing guitar for them, at that time.
he spied the Armored Saint 'March of the Saints' cover i had in my hand, snatched it and ran back inside to show to John Bush.
we followed.

we ended up hanging out in the dressing room and chatting with John Bush and Paul Crook for about a half hour.
they were very cool about it and didnt seem to mind our being there, at all!

in that whole time, the others didnt reappear at any time and as far as i know, they didnt come off the bus to greet any of the fans that had come out to see the show.

pretty disgraceful treatment of the folks who pay the bills.
I don't think its mandatory that a band has to talk to every fan.everyday,every show.sometimes its not humanly possible or sometimes the band just wants its privacy but it is pretty cool when a band member takes the time out their busy schedule to talk to fan for two mintues or two cents...
If some of the cocksmacks floating around on the Anthrax forum are typical of their fans then i dont blame them. Id be inside watching Discovery channel too if team brown nose was waiting outside my tour bus.
Saucy_Jack said:
If some of the cocksmacks floating around on the Anthrax forum are typical of their fans then i dont blame them. Id be inside watching Discovery channel too if team brown nose was waiting outside my tour bus.

You have a point there, Jack. I'd probably rather watch a Bob the Builder marathon than meet those screaming dicks.:bah:
Still, brown-nosers or not, if any fan cares enough to wait after the rest of us have fucked off to wreck a train on the way home, then the band should make an effort. Even if they have to rota which one of them gets the honour of standing out in the cold smiling and signing stuff, then so be it. It's part of the job.
Otherwise people like me end up gobbing on a band when they come to my town, so they have to send one of the crew to ask if I'd possibly stop, it isn't very nice. I told him if they play "God Save The Queen",they should expect to get gobbed on. Tossers.
question, if Anthrax sucks so bad(as most people on this board think) then why is so much time and effort made in putting them down, gossip, etc?
DeathsHead said:
question, if Anthrax sucks so bad(as most people on this board think) then why is so much time and effort made in putting them down, gossip, etc?

I can't speak for the others but I have always liked Anthrax's music. It's the way they have conducted themselves as a band and as human beings lately that sucks. Don't kid yourself fella, the Ian and Benante show are only interested in lining their pockets. That is fact! They piss and shit all over the idea of loyalty to bandmates for what??? For a few extra bucks so Charlene can buy some more dolls to play with and Scott can re-carpet his house. They're dead to half of their fan base now. My prediction for their new album with captain poodle-head the Journey reject: Balls!
I hope Im wrong.
Saucy_Jack said:
I can't speak for the others but I have always liked Anthrax's music. It's the way they have conducted themselves as a band and as human beings lately that sucks. Don't kid yourself fella, the Ian and Benante show are only interested in lining their pockets. That is fact! They piss and shit all over the idea of loyalty to bandmates for what??? For a few extra bucks so Charlene can buy some more dolls to play with and Scott can re-carpet his house. They're dead to half of their fan base now. My prediction for their new album with captain poodle-head the Journey reject: Balls!
I hope Im wrong.

That guy looks as bad as Keith Richards.:oops:
DeathsHead said:
question, if Anthrax sucks so bad(as most people on this board think) then why is so much time and effort made in putting them down, gossip, etc?

That's a ridiculous many things in life can you say the same thing about?...plenty!

And it's fun to piss off you lunkheads! You're all so loyal and you get so defensive that's it's good game. Yup...a complete waste of time...then again, in this technical age, what isn't?

Man, you'd swear that the whole lot of you sit down to Thanksgiving dinner together every year.
Saucy_Jack said:
I can't speak for the others but I have always liked Anthrax's music. It's the way they have conducted themselves as a band and as human beings lately that sucks. Don't kid yourself fella, the Ian and Benante show are only interested in lining their pockets. That is fact! They piss and shit all over the idea of loyalty to bandmates for what??? For a few extra bucks so Charlene can buy some more dolls to play with and Scott can re-carpet his house. They're dead to half of their fan base now.
Totally agree with you there
schenkadere said:
That's a ridiculous many things in life can you say the same thing about?...plenty!

And it's fun to piss off you lunkheads! You're all so loyal and you get so defensive that's it's good game. Yup...a complete waste of time...then again, in this technical age, what isn't?

Man, you'd swear that the whole lot of you sit down to Thanksgiving dinner together every year.