A few good purchases


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Ok today went and had a bit of a spend and got a few good albums

Blink 182 - S/T. This is the new album didnt even realise the band were working on a new album, but picked it up anyhow. Sounds more like A's album Hi-Fi serious, infact just go buy Hi-Fi serious its alot cheaper I picked my copy up for $5 at JB's 12 months ago, although this only cost $20, its not really a sound you expect from Blink...maybe they have matured alot since the last one.

Mushroomhead - XIII Another good purchase, again mellower than the last album more of the guy that sings and less of the guy that screams...could be a good thing I guess, all the same This one comes reccommended by me so go get it :loco:

Earth Crisis - Destry the Machines Same ol same ol from this lot one of the first LP's they released they never changed until Slither( :headbang: ). All the same look for it just to laugh at something written on the back. 'Dedicated to the Vegan Striaghtedge' :lol: crazy non-meating eating weirdos :lol:

anyhoo go forth and rock boys n girls :headbang: