A Few Pearl Snare Samples For You

Haha, I am yet to give sooo much more until I reach the point where I've given at least as much as I've taken from this forum :kickass: Cheers!
Haha, I am yet to give sooo much more until I reach the point where I've given at least as much as I've taken from this forum :kickass: Cheers!

That is very good of you. Not to mention, your samples sound really good.
I am one of the many who will benefit from such donations.
Now I just need to create an EXS24 instrument and load these babies!
Thank you.
Thanks! Though I think it would be better if I make more of these so that there are more options for the proper dynamics.
Yeah, that's pretty much why it's the best forum ever...well, that and Andy's samples and advice :lol: