A few things

Aha that's the good thing then! You'd be fucked for tips if you delivered in Footscray, but where you are you'll be sweet. :) Good luck with it!
It's a shame the house numbers are so fucked because they are all in apartment buildings, units, or even these rich looking villa type things and the hardest part is finding which place it is when I get out of the car haha! Some of those places are so nice though!

Thanks :)
Fuck that used to shit me when I was a pizza guy. I worked for Pizza Hut for two years and the thing that pissed me off the most was looking for house numbers in the dark. Apart from that, the job was fucking cool. The chicks in the kitchen were hotties and the rest of the crew were good blokes except for one guy who was a bit of a wanker and later joined the police force. The tips were pretty good. One night I got a bottle of whiskey and several times got invites to the parties I've delivered to afterward! Great job!
Goreripper said:
Fuck that used to shit me when I was a pizza guy. I worked for Pizza Hut for two years and the thing that pissed me off the most was looking for house numbers in the dark.

One night I got a bottle of whiskey and several times got invites to the parties I've delivered to afterward! Great job!

Yeah the numbers are so hard to see!

Hahahahaha cool!!! I hope I get a bottle of whiskey! I wouldn't have minded getting an invite to this party I delivered to the other night... there were just 2 guys (who were obviously doing SOMETHING right!) and about 12 gorgeous girls all about my age!
The Trooper said:
Yeah the numbers are so hard to see!

there were just 2 guys (who were obviously doing SOMETHING right!) and about 12 gorgeous girls all about my age!

The guys were either gay or pimps. Possibly both.