A few things


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
None of these are worthy of their own thread, and I don't want to hijack anyone else's, so I'll do it this way.....

1. Amazingly, the Australian Bureau of Statistics have offered me a graduate job.....and I didn't have to cut my hair - woohoo!! Plus it's at the Melbourne office, so I don't have to move interstate. :)

2. Yesterday it took me six hours to get back home from Launceston by plane. The rear wing couldn't heat up (or something), so it was too cold for the plane to land in Melbourne. So...we had to fly to Sydney, and get another plane from there. All in all it took six hours to make a journey that should have taken 50 minutes. Nightmare!

3. Anyone ever been to Tassie? That place rules! Not exactly exciting, but I always feel so much more relaxed there. Been there about 15 times now....

4. Hmmmm can't really think of anything else. Oh ja, my mate lent me Soilwork's last-but-one CD (can't remember which one that is), so I don't have to buy it yet. Woohoo! I think I should get the latest one though....

God I'm a time waster. Anyone wanna teach a tutorial or write a thesis for me?
Great to hear about the job! :)

Tassie is second on my list of places to visit in Australia.
Great news about the job Rob!!!!

I'm so fucked next year. There is no way a Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Media Arts) will get me shit! HAHA! I'm gonna have to do another course I think. I might do Sound Production somewhere or might look into a teaching course too because then if I don't get into working in the industry I could just teach the subject.
Thanks fellas. :)

Go to Tassie, Sydo - it's great. :) Which place is first on your list?

Perhaps you could do a course where you can specialise a bit, Trent. I'm not sure what, but if you had an industry/profession-specific qualification, you might stand more chance getting a job than with a more general degree. Depends what kind of job you want though. Some places seem to just be happy that you have a degree.

I was a pizza boy for a long time. It's ok while you're still a student. :)
The name of the album is 'Natural Born Chaos'. Or should be. If it's got a white cover with butterflies on it, that's what it's called. If it has a stick-looking thing that looks like it's from 'Blair Witch Project', it's the new one. The new one is crap.
Yeah I agree Rob, that's why I think I'll do Sound Production/Sound Engineering next year so that I have a general media arts degree in film/TV but also a specialized sound degree. If that still gets me nothing I might do a music industry course too. Surely with all that I will find something good...

I'm a pizza boy at the moment haha. It's pretty good while you're a student because its so easy and there's no responsibility, the last thing you want while your at uni is more responsibility and things to worry about! Unfortunately I'm doing it in the worst possible area though.... Prahran/Toorak/South Yarra/St Kilda, etc. It sucks there because all the main roads have tramlines, all the backstreets are one way, there is no parking, and all the addresses are confusing! There are no houses, its all units and the streets have weird numbering!
I hate Tasmania. Hate it. I've been there three times and each time was worst than the last. If I can possibly avoid it, I'm never going back.

Congrats on the job, though.
Winmar said:
Go to Tassie, Sydo - it's great. :) Which place is first on your list?

The Aussie West Coast. :) (Not like that really narrow's it down much! :lol: )
Winmar, congratulations on the job.

I've got a long term plan to get to Tasmania......and engineer who I used to work with scored a job down there growing poppies.
I was a Pizza boy for 6 months last year, and I LOVED it. I made a fair bit of cash for what I was doing, and having a car on LPG was a good bonus. Then it all came crashing down when some woman pulled out in front of me and I ran into her...

I can't deliver pizzas anymore, as it would cost too much to run the car I now own, and I would make crap all money.

Being a Pizza boy in Melb would be too hard I reckon!!
Doing it in the normal suburbs where I live would be nice and easy, a breeze compared to the inner suburbs where I'm doing it now! Chapel St, Toorak Rd, High St etc are a nightmare to try to get around quickly on!
God, I couldn't hack doing it in that area! In the suburbs is fine, but around there......aagh it'd drive me crazy! How long have you been at it, Trent?

I hear the west coast is lovely. It's a long way from Geelong though! You'd wanna do it on your summer break or something, as it'd take ages to travel down there.

Shannow, is your mate up north then? That's where they seem to grow poppies. I'm sure you'd like it down there. :)

Yeah Natural Born Chaos is the one. Only listened to it a couple of times but sounds ok so far. Hmmm perhaps the new one ain't worth getting then!

I'll do my best to get the Jedi religion on the next census form Coops. :)

What did you hate about Tassie, Aaron? You must have gone at the wrong time of year or something. :) Where in Tassie did you go?
Last night was my 3rd day Rob :) Haha! Got over $25 in tips though, that was pretty cool I thought! Alot of people in that area are pretty rich and give nice big tips heh.