A Full Song Of Stems For You

Hey guys, newbie heree. For some reason my POD was not in the zone to help... So I ended up re-amping using Logics Guitar Amp (I know... It's gash. But I was wanting practise mixing). Still though, this is the first mix I've done using other peoples tracks.


Would really appreciate some help on how the drums and vocals are standing out in the mix, The guitars obviously need a lot of work but I'll give them a go in the next mix!

Here is my mix :

SWR for the Bass -> AT4050, Dual recto for the guitar with +10dB clean boost; V30 -> SM57 (to have industrial fizz sound).
Preamps are AD8 and Motu HD.
SD2 for the drum.
I have "opened" the stereo imaging on machines.


If anybody wants to master this and put some tricks, I can upload a 24bits wav.

Whoa... I love what you did with the intro. Sounds like the mix is pumping a bit at times though.

Thanks, man. About the pumping, it actually is: I just started using gclip and need to tone it down a bit or something. Right now I'm just messing with some impulses I'm making out of songs, so I'll try and learn how to properly use gclip tomorrow to give this another shot with a more "tame" and solid distortion.