What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
I'd stop going to GMD but it's just so damn funny!
I'd stop going to GMD but it's just so damn funny!
That brought out a nice little guffaw laugh from meThat guy in that other forum said:Dear Mr. Dickhead,
When did I cry like a spoiled fucking brat?
Mr. Utter Penis
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA been there on both accountsBlack Winter Day said:My most embarassing sexual moment was the times I didn't do the chicks that I should have and had perfect opportunity to. That, and having "technical difficulties" once (it was several years ago... hey, it happens!!!).
fucker said:Leg press: 650 pounds X5
Arm curl:35 pounds X20 (my left arm is very weak do to my dislocation crap)