A Guess on the new tour setlist........


The Usurper
Jan 28, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Just a halfway educated guess, assuming they play three tracks from the new CD and shuffle a few older songs out of their last tour......and perhaps a little wishful thinking as well:

1) "Opening Track - New CD"
2) April Etheral - great song live, but wouldn't mind a substitute track from MAYH here.
3) To Rid The Disease - Just a preference thing here...I doubt they play both "IMTON" and "Windowpane...."TRTD" is a very cool track and would be a good representation of that CD.
4) Harvest - Another fan favorite that they probably won't kill.
5) White Cluster - Wishful thinking, but the guitar solo would bring the house down......and I would actually get to HEAR the guitar solo. However, I guess they keep Deliverance, which goes over live real well.
6) "Song from New CD"
7) Blackwater Park - incredible song live, fantastic response from audience, please don't kill this song
8) "Song from New CD"
9) Demon of the Fall - not a big fan personally, but this is their Stairway to Heaven live.......

Nine songs may be pushing it based on the lengths of their previous sets. Plenty of good stuff that is being left out....including anything from Orchid or Morningrise.

i really hope they keep april in the list...

songs i would put money on them keeping in the list are

the drapery falls
demon of the fall
either trtd or windowpane

those are the only sure things that i can think of....well that and new songs.
JoeVice said:
songs i would put money on them keeping in the list are

the drapery falls


Total brainfreeze - forgot about Drapery. Definite keeper.

The best solution is for them to play a three-hour show with no opener - two sets, and the first set is Still Life in it's entirety :Spin:
ualaw99 said:
The best solution is for them to play a three-hour show with no opener - two sets, and the first set is Still Life in it's entirety :Spin:

Good god. o_O I could die a happy man if I saw that show.
^ nahh its great but its to long (take up to much time in set) and i doubt it would work live anyway...

maybe when they do their evening with shows when they are 50 :)

i think the set could be something like this:
new song
by the pain i see in others (didnt they say they were rehearsing this? i cant really remember)
new song
forest of october
new song
encore: demon (obviously :Spin: )
Symbolic acts....so VIVID!...that at the same time, were INVISIBLE!

as for the set, they didn't say they were rehearsing BTPISIO, and mikael in fact said it would be hard to play live, but i'd really love to see them play that. If not that, then Wreath.
I wouldn't like to see anything from Damnation. They said they'd keep that album exclusive, and they have already played the whole of it live, and we have the DVD and so on. I would rather have songs like BTPISIO, Wreath... I wouldn't mind if they played Black Rose Immortal up to the part with "Black Rose Immortal" whispered. That would shorten the song... I want HEAVY tracks!
The Leper Affinity
The Forest of October
*new song*
In my time of need
The Drapery Falls
April Ethereal
Ending Credits

i want:

Opener song from new cd
quiet song from new cd if they have any, else harvest or creedence :D
Serenity painted def!!!!
Blackwater Park

somethingf like that
As long as I hear:
Serenity Painted Death
The Leper Affinity
Wreath (I don't think they've played this live)
The Drapery Falls
and Deliverancee

I'll be happy.
Opener: April Ethereal
new song
Drapery Falls
new song
The Funeral Portrait
new song
The Moor
Blackwater Park

They really, really need to put Advent back in the setlist. It fucking slays all live.
I once was lucky enough to see them play the moor live,but what i want them to play is godheads lament.That song just kills...