A happy Solstice to you all!

I loved this part:

Marksveld: TITTTTSSS
Marksveld: id jerk it if i werent so cocked

(I honestly have no idea where it came from. Nowhere really.)
.... what have I done.

I fucking dare you to tell me that I do not have drinker's blood if I can take that entire bottle and put it into my body without vomiting, and I feel pretty fucking awesome right now.

Conclusions from tonight -

- I can drink
- That was an unacceptable amount of alcohol
-I don't remember very well a lot of this
- RC and Converstations with Matt are fun
- I unfortnautly talked about masturbation and stuff

I gave up jerking off while drunk because one time it took me two hours to finish, and for the last 45 minutes I yelled at my dick.

True story.
Yeah I was there at 19. Of course right now I'm 25, not scoring, chatting on the computer, and making music that... about 15 people pretend to enjoy hearing.
One Inch Man said:
I gave up jerking off while drunk because one time it took me two hours to finish, and for the last 45 minutes I yelled at my dick.

True story.
Fucking funny. But loling at a computer makes me feel nerdy. I need a drink.

Marksveld... you need more pracitce :erk:
fotmbm said:
spaffe and others, as a private mead producer since many moons I can inform you that home-made stuff is SHIT!. No "the" involved, but still lots of fun and we might get better at it with some practice though.
Hehe well I belive you, but I think it would be really fun just to make it. I found this recipie where you where supposed to got out and pick some odd herb which is now considered a weed and a lot of other strange and interesting stuff. I like having small projects and turning my closet into a mead brewery sounds like a really good idea :]
Erik said:
:lol: yeah exactly spaffe, DO NOT be like me and fotmbm and think "oh gee, this seems easy, yummy mead here we come!" ...I mean with some practice, sure, it might come out well, but have NO EXPECTATIONS AT ALL for your first batch :tickled: fotmbm maybe we should try this again soon? spaffe you can join us if you like, you'll have use of our expertise in the field of meadmakin' :)
Haha, what did it taste like then? Imean it's not that hard to imagine that a wrongly proporttioned etc mixture left to ferment for some time will come out as pretty vile :)

Sure, we can set up a mead destillery in my dorm room hehe
We've got all kinds of necessary stuff, YAY for a meadmaking headbangin' evening in a few weeks, only this time we won't start drinking until after we've done all the stuff because we don't want to break more parts
Tasted mostly of yeast actually

EDIT: BTW I've still got some left you can taste if you want, Spaffe, though I want to save some of it but I'd be pretty surprised if you would want to drink all of it anyway. I downed 1½ litre through a funnel in maybe five seconds once, I rule. My brother also tried and it all came up with twice the speed.
nope, but I don't really think it's very strong, my suggestion is that we add sugar and yeast again after some months next time or drinking it won't really be any good.
I've only attempted making wine, but one batch ended up horribly sweet, and the other horriby sour. My firends and I considered brewing beer, but I vomit at the smell of yeast. I worked next to a yeast fabric once... :(