A holiday gift from myself to forum members

Greetings all-
As thanks to the forum for all the great reading and information, I’ve decided to give back a little bit with a holiday gift.

I’m offering 4 free phone consultations, 1 each to forum members who email me first. Each consultation is 15 minutes and you can read below to find out what you can get out of it, so please read the whole thing before sending that email.
To anyone who hasn’t seen my earlier thread, I’m a Vocal Coach that specializes in extreme training, metal, screaming, etc. If you do those kinds of vocals, you may get something out of my older thread where I covered a good bit of Q&A about voice. The offer below can deal with any kind of vocals however, not just metal.

First, what cannot be covered is actual vocal training. I can’t do it over the phone and 15 minutes wouldn’t be long enough to get any real work done.

What can be done?

For vocalists / aspiring singers

You can think of it as a FAQ for all things voice. Helping find a persistent issue’s source and what steps or training you should be doing to tackle it. How to get over stage fright. Dealing with monitors, rehearsal, and live sound. Getting the best from yourself in the studio. Vocal health questions. Questions about screaming not covered in my thread from a while back.
I think you get the idea. If it can be talked about, we can cover it!

For engineers / producers / non vocalists-

Finding out why vocalists have a hard transition between live sound and studio work, and how to help them past it.
Understanding vocal tracking from a singer’s point of view, and finding why they have specific issues they may not even realize themselves that make tracking difficult. Why headphones cause problems for many vocalists and how to best help them.

Learning why many singers do better holding a mic than singing into one on a stand, or behind a filter and how to help them get past it. Danger signs to look for in a singer that tells you early in a session if it’s going to be a train wreck or a weak performance.
A set of questions to ask a vocalist to make sure they will be giving their best performance before the day of tracking, etc. I’m sure you can come up with far more than that.

The only requirement is the session must be done over Skype. I’ll be travelling allot and will need to do some sessions away from my studio number.
With all that said, send an email with the title “Forum consultation” to : Info@extremevocals.com and include your name and forum handle.

You’ll get an email back to schedule your slot. I’ll post back as soon as I know all 4 consultations are taken.

Thanks for all the good info I’ve gotten here and Happy Holidays.
