a Katatonia fan stole my car


New Metal Member
Jan 6, 2006
So, about 3 weeks ago, my car was stolen from a nearby mall parking lot. I had no theft coverage, so I realized it was pretty much going to be a total loss, as I have 0 faith in the police ever finding my car before it's completely stripped.

Last week, they found the car about 40 minutes north of me in Newark, NJ. I drove down the same day, and went over to the impound (fucking scumbags, they make you sign over the title for the car before they even let you see the car - I nearly got into a fight with the asshole at the front). I was actually kind of surprised by the condition, besides missing the engine/transmission/everything important, the body of the car was actually in decent shape.

The guy told me to take all my personal crap, or even pieces of the car, whatever I want. I check the glovebox first and notice the asshole thief left all my cds (I had crammed a shitload in there) and just taken the Katatonia cds. I had several Anathema, Opeth, a few Riverside/Pelican cds, and a gazillion burned cds. They took every single one of the Katatonia cds (I had pretty much every album in there) and left the other ones sitting there. At least they had good taste :(
Amazing.... Are you sure the Katatonia cds were there? Why the hell would he or anyone take only them and not at least a handful of others.
A really weird history....why only katatonia cds???maybe he was in a hurry and picked up the ones with the best covers...or just liked the name katatonia...

but ok I have this kind of faith in katatonia fans thinking that if you really love katatonia you can´t steal their cds from another person, you collect them and buy them to support the band and then you must be a nice person to appreciate their art...so he wasn´t definetely a real kata fan:p
When someone broke into my car, they only stole the radio. All of my Cd's and my mp3 player were still there. I had Opeth and Pain of Salvation and stuff, no Katatonia at that time. They scattered Cd's everywhere. The funny thing was: You could see a trail of blood leading away from the car where he had broken through the window.
Maybe the guy was mentally ill! Katatonia means 'An abnormal condition variously characterized by stupor, stereotypy, mania, and either rigidity or extreme flexibility of the limbs. It is most often associated with schizophrenia'.
Its not very Doom to steal cars. The guy who did it sounds like a prat even if he did like Katatonia, maybe he was immensely obsessed with Criminals?

Sorry for the loss of your car man.
Sucks about the car and the CDs. My T/A got keyed the other day... not nearely as bad as your situation, but still pretty shitty

Just curious.. you said they took the engine and transmission... what kinda car was it?
A few years ago, I was in Holland with friends and someone broke into our car. For some reason it was mainly my stuff he stole- a sleeping bag, dirty clothes (after a festival), some other for him useless things. And some of our cd cases. I had two in the car, one with my dearest favorite music (incl. various Katatonia) and another one with second best faves. But I was lucky- that guy was NOT a Katatonia fan, he chose the second best collection only. So apart from my tent and a pair of muddy shoes, those Katatonia cd`s were pretty much the only thing I came home with after this festival, haha, it could have been worse... ;)

I`m sorry for what happened to you, jtucc. Hope you have the money to buy a new car. Or at least new cds.
some years ago I played football (haha..?) and we went to a footballcup with my team and when we were playing a match, some jerks broke into the school were we slept and stole all our fucking cd's, I was dumb to have like 25 orginal cd's with me and they all got stolen + my new mini disk! and I got so pist off that I kicked a tree and nearly broke my leg.. hah. and I think I got 1/4 of what all the cd's cost on the insurance :(
i agree with ether, they weren't real katatonia fans, hehe cuz they wouldve bought the cds.
anyway, sad but somhow funny story :P
cheers tho, its only material crap.