A Lower Deep - 'Black Marys' Reviews

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
I'm not certain if any of you picked up a FREE copy of A Lower Deep's Black Marys cd from the Nightmare Records table at ProgPower USA IX. But here are some recent reviews of the release...

Metal Rules- 4/5

[A Lower Deep] craft yet another musically-rich landscape that twists and turns through expertly-played progressive sections... BLACK MARYS, like every other release from A Lower Deep, is pure in its artistic vision and unrelenting to trends... if bands like Evergrey, Nevermore, Communic and Queensryche tickle your fancy, don’t miss A Lower Deep. ...drink in the captivating aura that comes with BLACK MARYS.
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Metal To Infinity- 90/100

What you can expect are great drum parts, heavy loaded tight riffs, awesome solos and remarkable vocals... The major difference with the previous releases is that A Lower Deep has multiplied several times all their marks.
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HellSpawn- 92/100

I think we said it before on this website, sometimes it's really inconceivable that some bands must struggle to get signed and on the other hand rubbish blindly gets a deal. A Lower Deep belongs undeniably to the first category... In short: this is a very fine album.
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You bastards. Bring one for me at Kamelot okay? :)

I definitely want to check that out. I didn't see that at Nightmare's table.
Metal To Infinity- 90/100

What you can expect are great drum parts, heavy loaded tight riffs, awesome solos and remarkable vocals

That's weird...was the free copy at the Nightmare table some sort of special edition, because the copy I have just has Billy singing on it :)

Just kidding, dude...great to see you guys hanging out at ProgPower! How soon before you'll be playing around here again?
James, watch it, you may be bigger than me but I'm scary quick. :heh::lol: We'll be back around as soon as daddy Hoyt has some time to catch his breath, he's getting old you know, takes longer than it used to.

Lance, thanks so much brother, we definitely would like to talk to you soon. We have the upmost respect for you and Nightmare. Let's hook up once you have recovered from the weekend.
I was at the Nightmare table but didn't now they were giving away this cd. Hoyt, you should have told me. *bangs head on desk*
I was at the Nightmare table but didn't now they were giving away this cd. Hoyt, you should have told me. *bangs head on desk*

Billy didn't bring the cds until Saturday, so you may have missed them beforehand or else after the few were given away. I think they brought about 50(?).
Shit! How the hell did I miss that? I would've loved to have gotten a chance to hear that disk (as well as the Mindwarp Chamber one that I've been hearing about as well!).