A message on Blabbermouth...


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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I don't necessarily agree with this guy (I think Joey is 100x better than what I heard of Dan), but this guy is pretty much spot-on.

So Joey was the sloppy seconds choice. big shock there. They wanted Bush and he knew better than to commit to that sinking ship full time.

Everyone is throwing there opinion on here so here goes....Joey is and was a whiny little shit. He wanted to be Steve Perry? Steve Perry? Are you kidding me??? Steve Perry took a shit this morning that sounds 10 times better than Joey in his prime if he ever had one. Anthrax had great music back in the 80's but Joey's voice watered that shit down and turned it into the sound of a puss-fest.

Bush came in and the band grew some balls. "White Noise" was awesome. I remember seeing the "Only" video and thinking Anthrax had finally turned into a monster. However, that album came to an end and Anthrax started to write shit music. It wasn;t John's fault.

For all of you "metal heads" swimming in ANOTHER washed up reunion known as Anthrax....don't kid yourself. Anthrax are not going anywhere. Once this "Big Four" tour is over nobody will care. The last reunion wasn't that big either. The "SECOND" reunion is just more watered down.

Let's face it, on the "Big Four" tour, Anthrax is the opener. They are the bottom of that barrel. Once the tour is over their next album will sell to the die-hards and that is it. Once the faithful by their record it is over. Anthrax will see the shitty record sales, play some small ass clubs and realize that it is time to wake up they should hopefully come to the reality to call it a day. Bush ain't coming back, Joey isn't a headliner and a "new guy" isn't dumb enough to deal with that bullshit band. IT'S OVER!

Seeing this band play live now would like being at a civil war reenactment. For the history buffs it is great. But everybody else just laughs at the clothes and looks at the guys involved like they are goofballs who can't live in the world today.

If Anthrax was smart (which we know IS NOT the case) they would have kept Dan and been honest with the fans.

They should have admitted that they dicked bush over and wanted to make a quick buck with a reunion that they thought would be bigger than it was, they should have never asked Bush back and just stuck with Dan who was a really good singer. he really did seem like a bridge between Joey and Bush.

I would love Anthrax to just release the songs they did with Dan and keep his vocals on it. I would love to hear what he did with that band.

And to Joey....You are the bird kid. Bush was the lion. Just remember those words coming out of Scott's mouth every time you step on that stage. You were a second choice. You will be out as soon as you don't sell a desired amount of records.

COMMENT | Whatever...
posted by : Agentfilth
5/10/2010 3:41:15 PM
o Joey was the sloppy seconds choice. big shock there. They wanted Bush and he knew better than to commit to that sinking ship full time.

Everyone is throwing there opinion on here so here goes....Joey is and was a whiny little shit. He wanted to be Steve Perry? Steve Perry? Are you kidding me??? Steve Perry took a shit this morning that sounds 10 times better than Joey in his prime if he ever had one. Anthrax had great music back in the 80's but Joey's voice watered that shit down and turned it into the sound of a puss-fest.

Bush came in and the band grew some balls. "White Noise" was awesome. I remember seeing the "Only" video and thinking Anthrax had finally turned into a monster. However, that album came to an end and Anthrax started to write shit music. It wasn;t John's fault.

For all of you "metal heads" swimming in ANOTHER washed up reunion known as Anthrax....don't kid yourself. Anthrax are not going anywhere. Once this "Big Four" tour is over nobody will care. The last reunion wasn't that big either. The "SECOND" reunion is just more watered down.

Let's face it, on the "Big Four" tour, Anthrax is the opener. They are the bottom of that barrel. Once the tour is over their next album will sell to the die-hards and that is it. Once the faithful by their record it is over. Anthrax will see the shitty record sales, play some small ass clubs and realize that it is time to wake up they should hopefully come to the reality to call it a day. Bush ain't coming back, Joey isn't a headliner and a "new guy" isn't dumb enough to deal with that bullshit band. IT'S OVER!

Seeing this band play live now would like being at a civil war reenactment. For the history buffs it is great. But everybody else just laughs at the clothes and looks at the guys involved like they are goofballs who can't live in the world today.

If Anthrax was smart (which we know IS NOT the case) they would have kept Dan and been honest with the fans.

They should have admitted that they dicked bush over and wanted to make a quick buck with a reunion that they thought would be bigger than it was, they should have never asked Bush back and just stuck with Dan who was a really good singer. he really did seem like a bridge between Joey and Bush.

I would love Anthrax to just release the songs they did with Dan and keep his vocals on it. I would love to hear what he did with that band.

And to Joey....You are the bird kid. Bush was the lion. Just remember those words coming out of Scott's mouth every time you step on that stage. You were a second choice. You will be out as soon as you don't sell a desired amount of records.
If Charlie liked Bush so much, why did he want Bella, not Bush, to join Thrax in subsequent tours after the first reunion shows? Answer: He wanted Joey back for good.

OK Scott, quit foolin'! We all know Bush said "his time in Anthrax was over" in the fall of '05 (when the reunion was going on). That made it a Joey/New Singer the only route. Think about it.

Scott, my guess is that your name here (6er) refers to the fact that you must of had at least a 6 pack of PBR 40 ouncers in you when you made the call to Joey to come back into the "Anthrax Family".

Man up, Scott. You wanted the Lion, but you are getting the "Bird".

Don't question it.
If Charlie liked Bush so much, why did he want Bella, not Bush, to join Thrax in subsequent tours after the first reunion shows? Answer: He wanted Joey back for good.

So those statements I remember reading about wanting Bush back so they could once again play their old favourites they were missing like Only and Room For One More were just lies? Or did the rest of us just imagine them?
So those statements I remember reading about wanting Bush back so they could once again play their old favourites they were missing like Only and Room For One More were just lies? Or did the rest of us just imagine them?

Agreed. Old 6er (Scott) is just spinning damage control at this point. I hope Joey doesn't sing the Bush stuff!!! That would suck Donkey Balls.....I shudder if I see it on YouTube. Don't let it happen Scott (6er).
Your illogic is astounding. Why would they have even bothered with a Joey reunion if they had prized Bush?

Answer: They didn't Bush and were wooing Joey all along.
You are seriously deluded. Scott admitted then and in 2010 that the "reunion" was to settle financial problems and that once the reunion was over they were going to record the follow-up to We've Come for You All.
Like they would huge if John Bush was in the band right now? LOL any of youj realise how "big" Amored Saint was/is? they play 150 capacity bars, no disrespect since I actually like AS but don't make things out to be bigger than they are.

I think many Bush suporters underestimate how many people wanna see the band with Joey fronting. I agree they will never be as big as they were in 1990 , they screwed up too muc for that, but they will fill the clubs!
Joey's voice watered down Anthrax? Is that fucking joke? Joey's voice was a huge part of the power of Anthrax, it was like Judas Priest combined with Metallica. Fuck this douchebag.
Like they would huge if John Bush was in the band right now? LOL any of youj realise how "big" Amored Saint was/is? they play 150 capacity bars, no disrespect since I actually like AS but don't make things out to be bigger than they are.

I think many Bush suporters underestimate how many people wanna see the band with Joey fronting. I agree they will never be as big as they were in 1990 , they screwed up too muc for that, but they will fill the clubs!

Why does it always come down to a popularity contest with people on this forum? Armored Saint never sold well, but Belladonna albums after being in Anthrax didn't exactly fly off the shelves either. I saw Joey twice in 2008 and he drew no more than 30 people, and one of those shows had SEVEN opening bands to draw people. Perhaps that show had more than 30 tickets sold, but so many people left before Joey played. They were great shows, regardless.

I think both sides are going to try to defend themselves on popularity, but let's remember that the success isn't just based on the quality of music but also on the marketing and other business moves. For example, Belladonna fans are quick to point out how much of a commercial failure The Greater of Two Evils, but I would point out the band never really backed that album up with any significant tour. (I think this was a mistake.) They did a short tour opening for Dio. (I saw them play a venue in Cleveland on this tour that they had played 10 months earlier as headliners where they pulled a larger crowd than Dio/Anthrax did. Explain that!) Then the rumors of the reunion started. They did the Dimebag tribute show and a few shows in South America and it was the end of that band lineup. Would the album have done better if they had toured for a year to support it? I think so.

Then there was Alive 2. First, I think the title was ridiculous. Sorry, Charlie, if that was your idea. Then they had such a shitty, amateur production. In the year 2005 they released a 4:3 aspect ratio DVD with simple Dolby 2.0 audio. It should have been 16:9 and with 5.1 audio to appeal to the rising home theater crowd, and it should have been competitively priced. FAIL.

The type of music Anthrax plays simply fell out of style starting with the rise of grunge. Anthrax wasn't the only band to lose its fanbase. Slayer never had a gold record after Divine Intervention. For Megadeth, Youthanasia was not as popular as Countdown to Extinction, and Cryptic Writings (CW) didn't do as well as Youthanasia (though it was close). While CW went platinum, I don't think they ever went even gold after that. Slayer has been able to keep up a reputation by staying active, and Anthrax has had long gaps between albums that I think have been pretty harmful. I really hope they can get themselves out of this rut now that Joey has been announced as THE singer for Anthrax.

NP: Among the Living (remaster)
Your illogic is astounding. Why would they have even bothered with a Joey reunion if they had prized Bush?

Answer: They didn't Bush and were wooing Joey all along.

I know that Charlie has respect for both John and Joey. John made it clear during and after the reunion that he didn't want to return to Anthrax, so why wouldn't they have tried to record with Joey? If you have special access to what's inside Charlie's head, then good for you.