A+ Metal


Weekend Warrior
Aug 4, 2005
Chicago, Illinois
Bloodbath has been one of the most influential metal bands to me for the past few years and I got into the Diabolical Masquerade works in the past few months.

I never knew until just recently that you (Dan) were heavily involved in both projects. I don't really pay attention to the metal scene except for what albums are coming out.. so when I found this out I was simply amazed.

Not only that, but then when I joined the ultimate metal forums I found out that you actually post on this sub-forum and I can't help but be humbled. You are an excellent metal artist and I'm sure your devoted fan base much appreciates your participation with them on these boards.

Thanks for hours and hours of listening pleasure. :headbang:
I always like it a lot when a band member actually posts on the band's forums. Kinda.. seeing a picture of the band gives a face for the voice, and having them interact with the fans gives a personality for the face :D

Great jorb Dan, Tom, Arjen from Ayreon and Paul from Novembers Doom!