A Music Theory class project...


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
Okay. My music theory teacher gave my class a project to do: Find 3 great songs, which you think have lots of Music Theory kinda stuff in them, burn them onto a cd, and give a short presentation about each song. Unfortunately, I can't do anything too far over 5 minutes. I decided to do one song off MJR's solo album, one off Pinella's solo, and one Sym X song. Here's what I have so far:

MJR - Cask of Amontillado

Pinella - The White Room

Symphony X - ____________

The problem is that I don't know wich Sym X song to use. I was thinking something either more Porg-ish, like Communion and the Oracle or The Accolade, or a song with Neo Cclassical kinda stuff in it, like Damnation Game, Masquerade, A Fool's Paradise, or Witching Hour. I can't decide what to do, so I'm coming to you all for help, because you're all awesome like that. Which song do you think I should use?

Also, Time's limited to at most about 10 minutes-ish, so that kills all hopes of using The Odyssey and/or Divine Wings.:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Out of the ashes would be great, because it starts off with a really classical feel and then gets heavier.
yea go with the death balance since it has part of the lacrymosa at the end thats perfect! can't go wrong with Mozart for a music theory project.

or styx come sail away loosely based on mozart's sonata no. 15 in C major haha dont use the song only a joke lol
The Yngster said:
why use all symphony x songs? thats pretty boring, I dont see how you couldnt use a DT song in a theory class, they change time signatures and keys every 4 measures.
Of course, there are a lot of bands to use instead of SX if all you want to do is show off some crazy harmonies and rhythms... I specifically mentioned "The Accolade" because said part might be the single most perfect implementation of classical structure in a heavy metal guise ever.
I might just be adding to everyone else's random suggestions, but... why only neo-classical? Do some jazz shit! Cynic! Particularly Textures! Or Mutterspache from Gordian Knot! Or something from Atheist! Either way, the stuff you show in the Symphony X song will likely be the same as the other two songs you're doing. And the above 3, particularly Cynic, will give you some very cool harmonies.
Maybe he WANTS to do all SyX related music or music that is particularly neoclassical or prog/metal. It is his project and it seems he has already made up his mind as to the fact he wants to do all SyX related songs and that the third song he wants to probably be a more neoclassical style song. All he asked was what "SyX song" people thought he should use.