A mystery about By The Pain.. I solved for myself :D +trailer

I love this song, and I agree with the whole rerecord for rerelease idea, like Meshuggah did with Nothing recently.

Yup. not neccesarily for the fans, even for mike himself. You know for his own mind to say "well that's fixed". But probably opeth have enough to do or enough stuff to do that they do when they don't record to record this all over again.

Anyway, It's an awesome song anyway!:rock:
I love BTPISIO. In the beginning with the acoustic guitar and the growl, is it so on the CD that the entire track is like pushed down by a tremolo bar or do I just have a bad version?
As far as I'm concerned, BtpIsio is one of the best songs on Deliverance (behind Master's Apprentices :p ) and i have never thought of it as unfinished song untill i read about it on this forum....If Mike doesn't like it, he can use Roadrunner's budget and re-record it! :rolleyes: At some point i even thought that all that jibberish at the end there was something like worshipping Satan or something...haha...:lol: Glad to know it is just edited lyrics to my favourite song off that album :)))))))
Really like BTPISIO, although i think Deliverance is the best track on the cd, it feels more complete than the other tracks. Wreath is great for the second half of the song, but the beginning can feel a bit slow, same with MA...

I love the "outside in the park" part in BTPISIO, damn nice to sing a long to also!