A new game! For you!


Apr 13, 2001
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OK, what you do is grab a verse of a song.

But that's not all! Once you've got your verse, you go to http://translate.google.com/translate_t# and translate that verse into another language. Then you take that translation and translate it into another language! Then you take *that* translation, and translate it into English!

Then you paste the resulting English translation into this thread, and others have to guess what it is. The person who guesses correctly gets to do the next one.

I'll go first, shall I? It's pretty easy. English > Russian > Korean > English

End of passion play, falling apart
I am your source of self - destruction
Vienna is fear and pumps, sucking dark canceled
Construction leader's death
Master of Puppets!

Here's one for ya.

If I sing a song, you' ; concerning a singer,
me to make find, you' ; concerning a bringer angry devil,
n' is never a realizer of less who you, you' ; give; concerning a customer so much it' ;
S and, it' ; S sky and l' hell, oh well
Run to the Hills.

Tried a lyric from "Our lips are sealed", and it came back nearly perfect...so tried a different song.

English - Bulgarian - Greek - Hindi - English

Piskam love to bite
And you hide, think that makes it OK
Mirrors in your secret
It was and is you black'n'blue
The warmth of the night
I don't know what that is. *shrug*

Here's my one:

English > Finnish > Greek > English

Living easy, loves freedom
Season tickets are one way to ride
Requests for anything, let me be
When all my stride
There is no need to be, you do not have to rhyme
There is nothing I would rather do
Going down, the Party Time
My friends want to be there
I don't know what that is. *shrug*

later lyrics in the song look even more strange.

The mill, uptight
And we must address », decorates his neck because of
It is a condition
There for a long time to stay
Just to remind you, while you like
When I
Only the first time this pain

Same band sang "Wall balls"
Skid Row, "Riot Act"

Are you ready for new sensations?
Well, here we heard the shot round the world.
All you scenes, when the boys are welcome to disclose its flag.
Well, guess who is back in circulation?
Now, I do not know what you heard May
but what I need at the moment is a good time girl

Probably too easy.
Well, the first line is almost identical to the original... surprised nobody's got it yet!

Actually, it starts with a bit of spoken word but I left that out.
I give up on your one, Spiff, unless you can give me another clue. I've been trying to do one, but every time I do it has several lines important which end up unchanged and are therefore giveaways straight away.