A night in Göteborg


Of Fury and Tranquillity
Oct 14, 2001
Montréal, Québec
I've not been here since a long but I wanted to tell you few things:

First, congrats Niklas, the brand new site is great!, very original and neat!

Second, but here's the main point:

Last june, a friend and I went to Europe for a trip and we have visited a lots of great places (Barcelone, Lyon, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm... and you see me coming 100km/h Goteborg). We lived a lot of adventures, we lived for the present moment at a maximum.

In Goteborg, we decided, a night, to call DT just to see if they would come and get a beer with us. We though, well, we don't expect it to happen and if so, well, just one beer, half and hour would be great.

So, one night, I picked up a public phone of the mecca and called Mikael Stanne (yes, as simple as it gets!) and told him hi! my name is Laurent, I'm from Québec, french Canada and I'm travelling through Europe with a friend (who happen to be a DT fans as I) and being in Goteborg (Gothenburg for the anglos) we though, why not call the singer of our favorite band and ask him if he wants to drink a beer or two with us? What do you say? Mikael spontaneous answer: yes, sure!. I was like wow, great! I said to him, it doens't have to be something long, half and hour or so would be just fine. (I wanted him to feel free, I didn't want to introduce myself too much into his life).

The day after, we met him in a square and went to a pub (that was written Big Beer on the front!), we sat, and paid some beer. You know what! He called Niklas who came up with his girl friend!! We finally drank all night long with them!! Above all dreams I could ever have!! We talked about lots of things, anything (not just music).

A great night it was.

So I want to thank you Mikael, Niklas and your girlfriend man (I don't want to name her, I don't know if she'd like it). It was the best moment of our trip, I'll always remember.

PS: hehe, they gave us a promo copy of Damage Done one month before the release date in Europe (and it's not out yet here in north america!)

By the way Niklas, I've sent my impressions (and a picture of the night) to info@darktranquillity.com some time ago, did you receive it? But don't worry, it was positive! I fucking love that album!!!!
Hey man! It sure was i nice night...Thanks for everything. Hope we can meet in Quebec and get some beers!
Enjoy the album and see you soon!

Dammit.. I was in Gothenburg the past weekend. Why didn't I come to think of what Fury did? Oh well... Next time. (That's a promise, guys. Not a threat... :) )
:hotjump: I'll try that too next time i get in Gothenburg!
Last time i didn't do it, simply because i had no idea what metal was :loco: :lol:

Siren (well, guess what, mine is a threat :p)
Hmm, here's a thought... If mine was a promise and Siren's a threat... If we get there at the same time, would the situation be considered neutral? :D
@Sun: If you pay for my tickets then it would be considered profitable :loco:
@Siren: What are you suggesting? We haven't known each other for that long... ;)

Hmm, I'm wondering if we're scaring the guys of DT and the other forum members here... :lol:
@Sun: The only thing i would be suggesting would be getting myself free tickets to Sweden ;)

As for scaring ppl off... i thought that was the idea in the first place, i see i was wrong? :confused:

Siren ( :loco: )
@Siren: I know what you meant. I was just kidding around. :)

"i thought that was the idea in the first place". :lol: And that would amount to... what exactly? :)
@Sun: I know you know but an innocent girl like me has to protect herself from assumptions :saint:

And that would amount to... scaring ppl off? :p
@Siren: There's a lot an innocent (*cough* ;) ) girl like you has to protect herself from. A too ironic sense of humour maybe? :D And yes, it most probably would amount to scaring people off, plain and simple. ;)
@Siren: Yeah, who knows really? Let's ponder that question for a while... :D Personally, I know for sure that I need to have a close relationship with my pillow soon. ;)

Hmm, as for scaring people... The minute I put up a photo on the DT member page, I'm sure to scare people to the brink of insanity. That's why I won't put any photo up. :lol:
@Oh, i hope you'll be happy with your pillow, i wish all the best for the two of you ;)

As for the photo, i like horror, so please put up a pic of yours :p
Hi there Fury!

It's nice to "see" you again after a while - and know that you've had good time. And I'm not a least bit surprised that Mikael decided to come and have a beer with you...
