A question to the athiests...

I think any religion is just a summary of a culture's social universe... It contains basic laws... can and can't ... do and don't ...

Because I was raised as a catholic, I'll explain myself from the catholic point of view... I do not intend to offend anyone... catholic or not!

SO let's see... the catholic bible is a book wich includes commendments wich would be laws that were made from the common sense of the catholic culture... Thou shalt not commit aldultery is a rule I live by... not because I'm catholic but because it's is my nature and I was raised in monogamy. That doesn't make me a good or a bad person, after all, there are some cultures that live in polygamy, where the man has many wives...

So I guess my point is that religions are just a set of rules, anecdotes, morals, values to live by, depending wich culture you belong to...

What made me an atheist, is the abuse that ALL and I said ALL religions caused at some point or an other in human history... ALL religions stirred shit at some point and if someone denies that he can just go hit the books cuz that can't be denied...

Religion didn't make me an atheist ... people did!
Cartman - "Be not afraid, Jew, for I am creator of all things, yay." ...or something to that affect.

They tried to teach me about God on the second day of kindergarden and I didn't believe it. When a 5 year old sees through the concept of God, you should know not to take it seriously.
I'm an agnostic. That means I don't really give a fuck. I was raised Jewish and I'm proud of my cultural and racial heritage, but I don't really follow the tenets of the religion that well. I don't dedicate myself to any religion – I don't need any more rules – but neither do I dedicate myself to atheism; let people believe what they want, I'm not gonna stop em.

I think there's got to be some sort of "supernatural" (i.e., alien to current laws of physics and nature) force or form of energy in the world. Just gut feeling. All of this can't have come from an accident of nature.

But in the end, I have much more important things to think about.
IOfTheStorm said:
quite young to consider yourselves able and with many life experiences, in order to judge if there is a God or not.

holy shit, I agree with him

rock on dude - here's a positive rep!
I didn't mean to come off as a militant atheist, so forget everything I said I have a new statement that sums up everything I've said previously in 4 words.


reductio ad absurdum bitches
My earliest memory on the subject is stating in 2nd grade that I didn't. Now its gone beyond that, I don't see the point is putting faith in something supernatural, when there's no good reason to believe in the natural. But that is an entire other long and boring post.
Pyrus said:
I'm an agnostic. That means I don't really give a fuck. I was raised Jewish and I'm proud of my cultural and racial heritage, but I don't really follow the tenets of the religion that well. I don't dedicate myself to any religion – I don't need any more rules – but neither do I dedicate myself to atheism; let people believe what they want, I'm not gonna stop em.

I think there's got to be some sort of "supernatural" (i.e., alien to current laws of physics and nature) force or form of energy in the world. Just gut feeling. All of this can't have come from an accident of nature.

But in the end, I have much more important things to think about.


including the jewish part.
I acknowledge that theres probably a higher being of some kinda, a "god" or "gods", or maybe just some spirit or something.
However, i don;'t believe in organized religion because i believe that if there is a god, he/she/it cannot be institutionalized into an array of manmade traditions, rules, etc.
I also find most religions, especially catholicism, to be hypocritical. I do not believe the bible, because i think it is manmade, and therefore has as much validity as the harry potter books.
All the so called atheists are passive people who like to avoid conflict, who are afraid to choose sides. Well on one side you have organized religion, with good gods and caring jesuses and boy-loving priests, and on the other side there's chaotic evil and man's belief to his primitive instincts. Some call it Satanism, others say that's a load of shit since Satan's a christian figure. In fact, there's actually a word satan after which the christian Satan was named, so to call your belief in chaos and lack of organized religion Satanism is not hypocritical cause it doesn't have anything to do with the christian Satan.

In anycase if all you atheists had balls you'd be "Satanists" or whatever you wanna call it, worshipping yourselves as gods and trusting only your instincts and nothing else. You'd be actively protesting organized religion and trying to get a rise out of religious people. You'd be passing out flyers with pictures of Jesus on an inverted cross and a demon eating Jesus's penis while urinating in Jesus's mouth. Or flyers with pictures of virgin Mary's vagina, with the hymen clearly busted which would indicate that she wasn't a virgin at all.

If you atheists were serious, you'd be walking on the street in broad daylight, and pull your penis out and piss on those people with "Jesus Saves" t-shirts. You'd wait outside catholic schools and follow the nice christian girls as they're coming out and attack them and force them to give you a blowjob, letting them know what gagging on a grand Satanic cock is all about.

But to accomplish all that, you have to embrace the dark side of man, believe in the great power inside you, forget all the values and morals you've been taught by your parents, school, and church. You'll be your own god and look down on the mindless masses worshipping gods and a jesus that died 2000 years ago and whose bones and flesh were then promptly devoured by worms and maggots, digested, and came out of their asses.
See live footage of Guerrilla pissing on a dude (or woman) with a jesus saves T-Shirt?!

I'd pay to see that. At least 10 dollars.

What would G do with all those jesus saves bumper stickers? he could do some vehicular damage!

I am spiritual, I am not religious. I hate organized religion, and those that cram their beliefs down my throat. It's not something I would do to others. I do not want them doing it to me. I do not know of a god, nor it's name. It is possible. It's also not possible. I have not seen it, and until I feel it concretely, I choose my spirituality.
haha guerrilla is always gettin confrontational...as for the question id say im more 'agnostic' or whatever. im not really so sure where anything came from, but i never really liked the idea of the christain/jewish/islamic god. i stopped saying the 'under god' part of the pledge of alegence back in elementary school. it made me uncomfortable becuase i didnt believe in him haha. what a little idealist haha.
well...im not really an atheist but i dont believe in a god in the sense of a living being out there creating our world...
i was raised Catholic to begin with but my mother always left the door open for us to make our own choices...My sister never took part in the church because she didnt believe in it..her reasons are unknown to me though...My brother and I freely entered catacism and stuff..we both did our First Communion and everything...When i got older, i started to understand certain things better and that Catholism is a bunch of crap...atleast to me...i started exploring other beliefs...Buddhism wasnt my belief style, Druidism made sense but wasnt plausible, Asatru is awesome and i do agree with alot of the beliefs but again some of it was just too fanciful...after pondering about stuff after awhile i came to my conclusion and its a bizarre one...the premise of what i believe is more scientific and yet...not quite lol! I believe that the universe started out as a void of nothing but one force was there and that was space-time...this (in my mind) held the force of gravity and matter was created during various points in time (how matter was created, im not too sure)...the universe just came together and space-time energy which i think is also electromagnetic energy is at the core...this in itself is time and thats why sometimes i say Time is my God...but theres more to it than that...i believe many forces overlap space-time...but thats really hard for me to explain in words like this...
anyway thats what i believe and how i thought of the One God as being a living being in heaven as nonsense...
More Humanist, acutally. I need no god, and would laugh in the face of one. I see the Chaos Theory with a mixture of Darwinism and Satanism as my path.

So, I am an Evil, Chaotic Athiest? Sure, why not?

Wait... wait... REALIST! There we go... Nah. Chaotic Atheist sounds more fun.