A question to the athiests...

Guerrilla said:
All the so called atheists are passive people who like to avoid conflict, who are afraid to choose sides. Well on one side you have organized religion, with good gods and caring jesuses and boy-loving priests, and on the other side there's chaotic evil and man's belief to his primitive instincts. Some call it Satanism, others say that's a load of shit since Satan's a christian figure. In fact, there's actually a word satan after which the christian Satan was named, so to call your belief in chaos and lack of organized religion Satanism is not hypocritical cause it doesn't have anything to do with the christian Satan.

In anycase if all you atheists had balls you'd be "Satanists" or whatever you wanna call it, worshipping yourselves as gods and trusting only your instincts and nothing else. You'd be actively protesting organized religion and trying to get a rise out of religious people. You'd be passing out flyers with pictures of Jesus on an inverted cross and a demon eating Jesus's penis while urinating in Jesus's mouth. Or flyers with pictures of virgin Mary's vagina, with the hymen clearly busted which would indicate that she wasn't a virgin at all.

If you atheists were serious, you'd be walking on the street in broad daylight, and pull your penis out and piss on those people with "Jesus Saves" t-shirts. You'd wait outside catholic schools and follow the nice christian girls as they're coming out and attack them and force them to give you a blowjob, letting them know what gagging on a grand Satanic cock is all about.

But to accomplish all that, you have to embrace the dark side of man, believe in the great power inside you, forget all the values and morals you've been taught by your parents, school, and church. You'll be your own god and look down on the mindless masses worshipping gods and a jesus that died 2000 years ago and whose bones and flesh were then promptly devoured by worms and maggots, digested, and came out of their asses.

he says that with all the love and sincerity in his heart
NoLordy Capone said:
More Humanist, acutally. I need no god, and would laugh in the face of one. I see the Chaos Theory with a mixture of Darwinism and Satanism as my path.

So, I am an Evil, Chaotic Athiest? Sure, why not?

Wait... wait... REALIST! There we go... Nah. Chaotic Atheist sounds more fun.
:lol: Seconding this, except for the Darwinism part. And regarding the original question of this thread, in my case the question should be reversed. I've never found out that there's no god. I have never believed in god. No one in my family believes in god. The only one who did, was grandma. She gave me a "childrens bible" when I was maybe six years old. I actually read it then, because it was well written and I read everything I found as a kid, but I wasn't exactly converted. So I'm more or less born an atheist, and I'm quite proud of it.
What made me an atheist, is the abuse that ALL and I said ALL religions caused at some point or an other in human history... ALL religions stirred shit at some point and if someone denies that he can just go hit the books cuz that can't be denied...
these are acts of humans, not acts of God
sure you can believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as a philosopher (if you find the fact that he has some divinity, fake) and be against any religion
i consider the head of the orthodox church here in Greece, the definition of antichrist - everything he does is the opposite of what Christ said
learn how not to poop your pants while sleeping, and then speak
also get better glasses (because you did not listen to the first time i advised you to do that) in order to have a possibility on trying to understand a word of what i am talking about and then start your "shut up bible boy"
IOfTheStorm said:
these are acts of humans, not acts of God
sure you can believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as a philosopher (if you find the fact that he has some divinity, fake) and be against any religion
i consider the head of the orthodox church here in Greece, the definition of antichrist - everything he does is the opposite of what Christ said
Exactly my views.
I don't believe in any religion. Also, i don't believe jesus christ was the son of god, but rather a person that we could base ourselves or society on (yes, in almost all senses, i'm a hippy). However, i do in certain ways believe in a god.
Guerrilla said:
You'd wait outside catholic schools and follow the nice christian girls as they're coming out and attack them and force them to give you a blowjob, letting them know what gagging on a grand Satanic cock is all about.
OH MY GOD! So it was YOU that made me do all that naughty, sinfull stuff that one day when I walking out of catechism!!
dreaming neon darkspot said:
OH MY GOD! So it was YOU that made me do all that naughty, sinfull stuff that one day when I walking out of catechism!!
hahaha :lol:

"...i stopped saying the 'under god' part of the pledge of alegence back in elementary school. it made me uncomfortable becuase i didnt believe in him haha.... - neal"

yeah, that's the same thing that happened to me

i was born and raised religionless, and so this whole "god" idea seemed really farfetched to me as a tiny school child
someday, someday... its hard to follow up classics like "liposuction gone wrong", "mother teresa is a dirty whore" and "I raped Jesus (which a christmas tree)")