A question to the athiests...

dreaming neon darkspot said:
When did you become an athiest and what influenced you to do so or made you realized that those would be the beliefs you chose?

Just wondering...
Plus I've always wanted to ask this question and make it sound important :p
You're born an atheist. Theism is just a state of mind.
"We subvert the minds of youth to lead them to truth"
I'm actually a little surpised Warrel is an agnostic, I kind of figured him for an intellectual, and not a coward. Heh, "All the Cowards Hide"...
IOfTheStorm said:
actually seeking a "god" is one of the most natural things, thats why man created gods and goddesses, its inside him.
No, man has questions
Smart man strives for answers using logic.
Dumb man derives answers from an invented, omnipotent being.
questions come with knowledge which is not something man is born with.
all alone with noone to guide him (in ANY way) man simply tries to justify things that would be explained with knowledge, by making a god
Look at the quote in your signature.

Man is a species.
A result of evolution.
This "species" has developed society and structure, documentation and sciences (and so on), so that they may further better their species.
Though, some of our species choose to delude themselves with the thought of some deity. They do this simply because they're lazy and don't have any desire to find a stance or make a decision. It's rather pathetic.
sometimes men believe in God after years of thought and after passing through some unique experiences that made them believe/not believe. And for the forever un-explained, there is no answer, so its absolutely normal to find a god
IOfTheStorm said:
sometimes men believe in God after years of thought and after passing through some unique experiences that made them believe/not believe. And for the forever un-explained, there is no answer, so its absolutely normal to find a god
It's absolutely normal to find *a* god. Which is, a personal god. Which is, most likely, an idol. Anything otherwise is clearly an example of dementia.
Divine intervention is once again, a state of mind, in the mind, of the mind, of a looney bin.
i agree with the " ---------- " dude
and with some things IOfTheStorm said.

---------- said:
Look at the quote in your signature.

Man is a species.
A result of evolution.
This "species" has developed society and structure, documentation and sciences (and so on), so that they may further better their species.
Though, some of our species choose to delude themselves with the thought of some deity. They do this simply because they're lazy and don't have any desire to find a stance or make a decision. It's rather pathetic.

well said. !!

Guerrilla: god, i wish i could rep you... :lol: you make me laugh! ;)