a question to wendy...

There hasn't been any official news or pressrelease for a _really_ long time. Even Century Media couldn't confirm the newspiece from blabbermouth. Nor their management. There just isn't any official news to share, and because people are obviously getting anxious, even restless for some news, I thought I'd share the blabbermouth tidbit on the website.
I've asked Warrel several times for an official update, he promised he would write something to get everybody up to date...but I'm still waiting.

If that answers your Q
Thanks Wendy, its better than nothing for sure.

Titus....were you thinking a spanish inquisition type scenario? or just your run of the mill...."Where were you on the night of???" with a heavy spot light. Inquiring minds would like to know....:)
The last time he was interactive was during a chat many of us were involved in over on the dalnet a few months back. Hopefully they are busy in the studio. Century Media isn't backing them very much for this final release for the label.

Do him like the COP got done in RESEVOIUR DOGS. The bad guy tied him up to a chair, and then danced around him cutting his face randomly, as teh dude begged for him to stop, he then cut his ear off, beat the fuck out of him, and then, as the guy was still begging to be set free, the bad guy dumped 5 gallons of gas on him, so it would clean teh cuts .........hahahahha