a question


Butcher of Bagdad
Oct 31, 2005
hi everybody

I have to do an essay about illegal musci download allowed: yes/no

No my question for you is:
What do you think of music download? Should it be allowed or not?

tell me what you think and tell me why too please, so i can use it too
*so not just : bad or good, but why bad and/or why good*

Thank you!:wave:
I personally don't like people downloading full albums. As someone in the music industry I am seeing first hand what the loss of revenue caused by downloading is doing to the industry, some say that only the labels loose money but what about the bands (and producers/engineers)? Since a band has to pay for the cost of their album from the money the album earns, people downloading causes the bands directly to loose money. This loss of money means that for the next album (if there is one) the band will be told to spend more money on the recording to try and make the album sell better than it's predesessor. This puts the band in even more debt when the album fails to meet up to the labels (usually over ambitious) expectations.

Even without illegal downloading it was hard for bands to earn a good living out of music (especially in metal), but now some of the best artists out there still have day jobs just to make ends meet.

Good luck with the essay, I'm sure you will find many people who will insist what I am saying is 'rubbish' (I've met a few myself) but I just wanted to give my POV.
Well the thing about it is. I wouldn't know of alot of bands that I listen to today without being able to download. Ya know I come to places like this and people suggest different bands and what not. So I usually ask for a good song to get me started and then I download that and a few songs. If I like I buy it. Honestly I do buy it after I hear it and if I like it. I have over 250+ cds. However if it sucks it usually just gets deleted never to be heard of again.

So I think in some cases downloading for bands can be a good thing. I like bands that put up their new cd in a streaming format on their websites or have clips, so I can preview before I buy.

Actually, I think it is fine if your full intention is to trial the album. I keep all my albums backed-up on DVD and I've downloaded countless MP3s with intention to delete after listening if I don't like it or buy the album.

If it wasn't for illegal downloading I would have NEVER known of In Flames, CoB, Dark Tranquillity, Hypocrisy, Nightwish, Korpiklaani, etc.

That kind of music just doesn't get the right exposure in North America to expect people to find it without illegal downloading.
I think illegal download is ok, to some extent.

I myself am a collector of cds, and I prefer to buy them. Having a lot of computer files can't beat the feeling of a having the whole package, with booklet and cover and pictures and lyrics and everything, bought for your own money. But then, one cannot afford all the music one would like to have, and that's why I download a lot of music. But then, I buy all the albums I really want, so that I can put them into my collection.
Basically, I download to check out stuff, and if I like it, I buy it. If I don't like it instantly, I keep the files, and listen to them later. Maybe I'll like them more then, and will buy some albums.
The Bringer said:

Actually, I think it is fine if your full intention is to trial the album. I keep all my albums backed-up on DVD and I've downloaded countless MP3s with intention to delete after listening if I don't like it or buy the album.

If it wasn't for illegal downloading I would have NEVER known of In Flames, CoB, Dark Tranquillity, Hypocrisy, Nightwish, Korpiklaani, etc.

That kind of music just doesn't get the right exposure in North America to expect people to find it without illegal downloading.

I hardly even use the orginal cds. I just rip to my computer, and when I wan't to listen to them in a car cd stereo I just make a burned backup copy.
well downloading promos are alright cause you can listen to the music and decide to buy it or not. and the annoying is that voice: 'You're listening to the new author album, title'
And if it annoys you (sure it does) and you like the music you gotta buy it.
it's only ok if there is a fall in prices of cds.
thanks guys, this helps alot!!

I agree with the bringer as i do with razorjack.

I don't download myself, but i know many bands now because of friends of mine who download and let me hear that music and i always buy a cd if i like the band.
But it's true on the other hand that people download like it but still not intend to buy an album or even if it is a single, bands do loose money because of this

and i gotta agree with theseldomlaid too:) i'm a big fan too of the booklet and cover and pictures and lyrics and everything.

But thank you so much!!
and thanks razorjack for wishing me good luck:)
I prefer buying cds.
But, for example, how the fuck would I listen to bands like norther if it weren't for illegal downloading?
There aren't cds here, even though I INTEND on buying them
i have a good one, if you did not down load music how meny of us would of heard of children of bodom, would we know about music like powermetal, let be honist, when was the last time you saw a vader video on MTV?
The Bringer said:

Actually, I think it is fine if your full intention is to trial the album. I keep all my albums backed-up on DVD and I've downloaded countless MP3s with intention to delete after listening if I don't like it or buy the album.

If it wasn't for illegal downloading I would have NEVER known of In Flames, CoB, Dark Tranquillity, Hypocrisy, Nightwish, Korpiklaani, etc.

That kind of music just doesn't get the right exposure in North America to
expect people to find it without illegal downloading.

That's not really true. I have never downloaded anything lillegaly in my life and I know all those bands from places like this.

My opinion is that more music should be given away for free in other ways so that people can "test out" bands but that being able to download whole albums and everything should be illegal.