A question?


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2011
Progression from rock/metal to techno and vice-versa? Very broad terms and intentionally so. What do you think?
Well honestly I can't think of anyone whose made the shift from metal to straight up techno, but I can think of a few who have made the shift to other forms of eletronic music. Usually it sucks, but brilliant minds can pull it off. In my opinion only the most tasteful human beings can make electronic music into anything more than dreck.

Ulver is the best example of a band who made great metal music and then made great electronic music.
After getting fed up with metal, Marko Laiho of Beherit went on to do hardcore techno (not with the name "Beherit" of course).
thanks for the replies! What I meant to ask was, did you as a listener ever make that transition. I listened to metal for quite a while in my adolescence and later shifted to techno [mostly happy hard core and dubstep].
no not really, the closest I transitioned to was dark ambient music, nothing happy and cheerful. I keep hearing all this hype about dubstep but I just can't get into it.
My brother listened mostly to death and black metal few years ago, nowadays he listens to a lot of dubstep. He still listens to metal, but mostly jazz and dubstep.