Do you think vocalists are underestimated?

I can love a song/the music and hate the vocals but build a tolerance, but ya never love the vocals and hate the music and go "but those vocals are too good." Vocals could probably fuck off really
Not really. Maybe because I dig heavily instrumental or chanty type stoner/atmoblack music it falls on the vocalist more NOT to create any cringe moments. I like me some Dream Theater, but probably half of it is immediately disqualified due to some questionable croning from LaBrie. Home? As I Am? Stream of Consciousness? Change of Seasons? Amazing songs he's either minimally present or doesn't create the cringe.
almost anyone in a band can learn to play bass, but finding a good bassist is very hard. One of the easiest instruments to learn, but also one of the hardest to master.

Jeroen Paul Thesseling and Alex Webster are gods imo. Steve DiGorgio and Tony Choi are also pretty fuckin great.
Know of any bassist/vocalist with a powerful vocal range and a wicked scream? I mean I know there's Tom Araya (On early material) But that's all I know.
Tommy Angelripper of Sodom, Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. for the first two albums, Burke Shelley of Budgie, Peter Steele of Type O Negative, Glenn Hughes, Al Cisneros of Sleep, Ron Broder of Coroner, Abbath Doom Occulta of Immortal until their Damned in Black album, just for some.