A reliable USB-interface for about 250$?

Toni S.

Sep 10, 2008
Hey guys,

recommendations for a good and most of all reliable USB-interface would be much appreciated. I'm mainly gonna use it for recording with amp sims, but I'm problably gonna mic up some cabs in the future so decent preamps would be cool. I've been looking at the E-mu 0404 USB, does anybody have any experience with it?
Hey guys,

recommendations for a good and most of all reliable USB-interface would be much appreciated. I'm mainly gonna use it for recording with amp sims, but I'm problably gonna mic up some cabs in the future so decent preamps would be cool. I've been looking at the E-mu 0404 USB, does anybody have any experience with it?

E-MU have a reputation for excellent converters, beyond that I can't say much. I think SoundOnSound have probably reviewed it in the past, google it. I'm pleased with the way my Presonus Inspire has held up over the past year, so maybe look at their USB Audiobox?

Others to look at:

Echo Audiofire (?)
Digidesign Mbox (for Pro Tools)
M-audio Fast Track Pro
I had always heard great things about EMU's interfaces and converters, BUT, I've also heard (and confirmed directly from the company) that you can't have simultaneous WDM and ASIO streams going through any of their USB interfaces! In other words, if you have your DAW open, you can't play back an mp3 file in your media player program as a reference mix! :mad: So yeah, screw EMU for that gargantuan driver flaw, Edirol stuff looks sweet...
Maybe Emu Tracker Pre?

I'm also looking for some interface for that amount of cash, and I'm seriously considering the Tracker Pre. I've read some reviews and all were positive. Plus theres load of software included (Cubase LE, Sonar LE, Melodyne Essential, Amplitube LE) ) whats most important for me at the moment.
Thanks for the recommendations dudes, and thanks Metaltastic for that vital piece of info! I'm probably gonna buy the Presonus Audiobox, I've heard good things about it and it's only 150 euros here.
Put it this way - even if you hate Reaper's interface (which I don't, I've grown to love it), it's still 50 FREAKIN' DOLLARS and just as functional (in some ways moreso, for example its awesome routing and incredibly fast load-up time) as Cubase and Sonar, which cost a shitload more. I've definitely become hooked!