A Round Robin, anyone?

Northern Lights

Sep 14, 2002
In honour of the new colours I thought I'd post my 2nd thread ever on here. Now I'm pretty sure many of you oldies have done this before, but that was then and now is now, so feel free to be creative ;) You know how it goes, just continue the story.

It was early morning when Alvis woke from a dreamless sleep. As he crawled out of bed, his mind registered that it was unusually bright outside for this time of day. While rubbing his eyes he walked over to the window, pulled the curtains aside and found himself staring wide-eyed at the scene outside. Cursing silently to himself, he realised that his usually so mundane work of delivering messages to various important people around the countryside would be a considerably more adventurous task today. Someone had forgotten to feed the Queen's dragons again, and as a result they were now running rampant on the Royal Grounds, hissing and spitting fire and being generally unpleasant. A number of palace servants were limping around shrieking with horror, trying to save what could be saved, but Alvis noted with a sigh of relief that the stables were untouched, which meant his mount was safe. Now he'd just have to find a way of sneaking past the dragons and to the stable in order to get his horse out and get started on today's work.
The dragon was not impressed. Rather than waking up to a tender cow or two, there was a distinct absence of any warm-blooded creature. Dragging itself sleepily out from the cave mouth, it surveyed its lands. Oh, the Queen may have felt that she ruled, to be sure, but the dragon knew best. Dragons always did. It curved its long serpentine neck and looked back into the cave at its flock, all rumbling hungrily.

'Well', the dragon thought to itself, 'if we do not have our meals delivered anymore, then I shall have to attend the buffet'. Roaring in indignation and fury, the dragon spread its wings like a harbringer of doom and misery of humanity, or like a very large bat, and lept off the cliff-face. Down it plummeted, before rising on a warm surge of air, gliding down into the castle-village. 'Well done, medium rare, or raw?' the dragon thought idly, before breathing fire over the local inn.
*next round is Naku's and mine, be patient while we prepare the post* :p
I'd participate but it's so nicely written and interesting that I don't want to ruin it :p
I'm sorry, Siren, Naku.. you're too slow :p

A sudden rush of heat came violently through the ceiling as Marcus Proximus entered the main lobby. The unsuspecting man was thrown back and to the floor as the ceiling collapsed right in front of him. His mind was simultaneously in shock, fear, anger, and despair. He had just made the last payment. The inn was finally his, and he had just had it renovated. He was, in fact, now on his way to celebrate. Now his property crumbled before his eyes. His beautiful ceiling, his quaint and welcoming lobby, his precious paintings, the boot of his pants, all blazed in fire. Amongst the panic, Marcus stopped to look to the sky for a second. What was going on became clear as he looked into the eyes of one of the dragons that the royalty kept. His heart filled with hatred as he remembered this particular dragon, for it wasn't the first time this creature had ruined him. Without a moment more to waste, Marcus sat up and ran out. His property crumbled behind him, and the dragon's massive head came through, burning and decimating without reserve.
Marcus stormed into his armory. He reached for his dusty armor, and wasted no time fixing it on himself. That creature had crossed him for the last time, he told himself as he reached for his majestic and legendary 47-inch blade.
He stepped outside with his dusty armor, his weapon, and a vengeful determined face. At the top of his lungs he summoned the dragon. He called it by its name. "Rusty!!"
Alvis decided to think it over while getting dressed and having breakfast, he was running late and his horrible headache wasn't helping any. He was trying to figure out a plan, when he opened his closet to get his sky-blue shirt. There he faced his way out. There he conceived his magnificent plan. He would distract the dragons by throwing them his dead-wife's body, wouldn't be much for them, but he figured it would be enough to buy him some time. This way he would also get rid of last night's abominable evidence..
It wasn't his fault anyway that his otherwise lovely wife insisted she had a headache for the past month, but then went on and on to whine about every other little thing.. The situation was honestly more than a normal postman could handle.
So, after our dear Alvis grabbed an orange, he also grabbed his former wife, and rushed out to start this bright new day.
After a good half an hour, Alvis came panting into the stables. His plan had worked perfectly, his clothes were a bit stained and overcooked, but otherwise he was fine. Only, he came to find himself in front of another surprise. The mount was alive, unharmed and 100% fine, except that it no longer was a horse -an evil Village Elder had cast a spell on that very animal the previous night, and that way turned the beautiful stallion into a hybrid of turtle and lion.

/Naku and Siren

@mags: you shouldn't have deleted your post, it was really nice. :(
By all means, don't be afraid to participate - it's not meant to be anything else than a bit of innocent entertainment. :)

@Mags: why not try again? ;)

Please continue, I like it.
Alvis was not amused. He instantly knew which of the Elders had played this prank on him. 'Dame Sibyl' she styled herself, and the commoners gave her such fancy titles as 'Old Seer', 'Prophetess', and more ridiculously, 'Future-Walker'. She was a great sorceress, but there was only so much call for sorcery in these times, and so she made her living by predicting the futures of the commoners who so adored her. What none of those fools seemed to realise was that seeing the future was impossible, no matter how powerful a mage became. Alvis knew the truth though, and had only yesterday threatened to reveal it to the public... and this, he realised, was her warning. If you do that to me, here is just a taste of what I can do to you. Alvis could almost hear her hissing the words at him.

But this had to be fixed. No self-respecting courier could deliver messages riding a lurtle ("Tion? Turion? Liurtle?" Alvis pondered). Once again braving the draconic uproar outside, he made his way to where 'Dame Sibyl' resided. Forunately the journey took him just a few terrifying minutes. Alvis paused a moment to consider his plan of action, but another nearby burst of flaming dragonbreath soon had him pounding on the heavy oaken door. "Ethel!" he bellowed, hoping that the embarrassment she would suffer from the exposure of her real name would spur her into letting him in quicker. "ETHEL!"
Yeah, I deleted it and all reference to it in order to clean up the thread a bit. Now instead it looks like we'll have 7 pages of "bump" before anyone else joins in.
I'll join in sometime... or Ill try writing something serious and if it's worthy Ill post it. I, like many, am apprehencious to join in because I dont want to ruin it with my low quality story telling.

Mags: hey bub, Why can't you continue the story? You did a good bit before... real good.

why did NL, Naku and DJ abandon this thing? Three people is enough for a round robin. Anyway - does there have to be an order in who writes? Cos a round robin is usually when you start with one person and go in a circle... am I right?
Like I said, nobody needs to feel weird about participating - it's not going to be another "War and peace" or anything like that. There's no order, write when you want. I think three people are too few for a round robin, it becomes something of clique thing... When I started this thread I meant for everyone to join and put their own spin on it. So let go of your inhibitions folks. It doesn't even have to be anything long, it could be three lines.
I can't speak for DJ or Naku, but originally I meant for as many people as possible to contribute before I did anything again - and then I just assumed it had died.