A Round Robin, anyone?

Although Marcus Proximus felt he was taking chase upon Rusty, what he failed to notice was that his vengeful efforts had not even been noticed by the towering beast. 'RUSTY, You bastard child of Lucifer, You wicked souless wretch' Marcus cried 'Prey no more on the defenseless villagers of my town and choose to end your fast with me if you think you can stand against my steel!'
In a terrifying grumble, so low a frequency Marcus could only just make out the words, the Dragon Replied 'Your talk is large for one so small. Take back your words and beg my forgiveness and I'll make sure you're entirely freed of your life before the lick of my flames caresses your tender flesh'.
With a cry Marcus ran at Rusty, his blade appearing as if in flames, as it reflected the destruction of the foul dragons pyronic rage. The thought of his full years work crumbling at the hands of a lusting hunger filled Marcus with a visible power. Rusty saw this and was not in any mood to meet such a force after half a day of dining on what was to him, fairly sub standard human carcass. With one hard beat of his wings he took flight.
'I will remember your face Mortal.' Rusty said as he lifted quickly on a thrust of air, which appeared as if by his summoning. 'Ignorance to my might is never forgiven. Guard well your cattle and familly and prey that you never hear my cry again'. With a sickening screech the dragon twisted and flew quickly into the glaring heat of the sun. Marcus could only watch, shaking with whatever adrenaline he had left.
Some members of the kings guard appeared from beneath a pile of corpses where they had clearly been hiding in fear for their lives.
'Valiant warrior, bravery such as yours should indeed not be forgotten.' The shorter of the 3 charred men proclaimed. 'I request you come with us to recieve your honours from our most grateful king.'
With a chuckle Marcus replied. 'A warrior? I? I think you've taken too many shots to the head. I am naught but a humble Inn-keep.'

EDIT: I had a wrong name there... probably seemed pretty confusing. soz gang :blush:
Anyone preparing the next installment or is it just going to die again? Is it confusing y'all that I decided to go back to Marcus' part in the plot? (although I called him Maximus for some dumb reason *disciplines self*). Go back to alvis now if you want to, I just thought it would create some suspense, leaving Alvis standing on Ethels Doorstep at a critical point in the Narrative to go down a different road in the plot of the tale, if only for a couple of paragraphs. :p [/me making excuses]
I liked it that you went back to Marcus' part, it's better to have two ways to go on with the story, there's more suspense this way. I don't have the time or the mind to write anything at this point, so please keep it up people, even if the same two or three or one people have to write all of it. (ya hear me, Gav? :p)

edit: and i barely noticed the name change, as long as it starts with "Ma".. :p
Not confusing at all, don't worry. I'm reluctant to post next since I posted previously, so let's see if anyone else can manage to dredge something up. I also didn't notice the name change, but Maximus fits much better with the powermetalness of your part anyway.
May aswell write something rusty. Better to keep it alive and post every other than let it sink again. Where's Mags in this thread now anyway? There's loads of people that could step up that aren't doing. Rahv? Hyena? Mags? Siren? NL? ES? Taliesin? :confused:

This things quite a good read so far, Don't you want to be part of the legend? [/recruitment ad]

The silhouette of a tall and stern figure slowly appeared near the back entrance of the castle's underground lairs, as it walked out into the faint red light of the setting sun. The mysterious man, donning an impressive black cloak over a full set of ripped chain mail, stepped onto the tall grass and paused. He looked all around him and saw no one; only the impending dusk above him; the long shadows cast by the trees in the clearing below; and the abandoned walls of this part of the immense castle, which had long been overtaken by greenery. With a light sigh, as if of relief, the nameless warrior gave under his own weight and collapsed to one side. The grass stalks under his left leg were slowly being drenched, now matching the color of the impatient sunset sky. His wounds were finally starting to overtake him and were slowly draining his consciousness. As his whole body collapsed on the ground, his mind began to wander off.

Halfway into a dreamworld, he began second-guessing his tactics and questioning his abilities as he regretfully saw himself back inside the castle, trying to complete his task. His wounds hurt each time his mind replayed their infliction. It was not supposed to be as difficult as it turned out to be. It was painfully apparent that Dame Sibyl lied to him about several things. The underground canal that traversed the castle catacombs was not abandoned; and it was not royal soldiers that were guarding the corridor leading to the meter-thick iron gate of cell 19, which he would have been able to handle, even in his worst of days. Nevertheless, he had succeeded. He went through hell itself in his escape and, yet, he lived. The black dragon was liberated, just as the repulsive old woman had instructed. But thoughts were now starting to leave his head. In the distance, he heard the frantic bellowing of the other dragons. Somehow they knew. He did not, himself, understand the impending consequences of his actions; and calmly took refuge in the fact that with his success came his freedom as well.

While the broken warrior lay unconscious under the darkened sky, his dreams haunted him and vividly retold his ordeal..
Rusty was gone, but there was no time for celebration. Marcus threw himself flat as another, smaller dragon swooped low over the square and belched yet another stream of flames. The heat seared his face, and when he looked up a second later he saw the guardsmen being burnt to a crisp just metres away from him. His anger rose further and further, and without much rational thought he made for the castle - from there the dragons had come, and he'd be damned if he wouldn't get some compensation from there too.

The castle was one of the few buildings the dragons were ignoring, at least for the time being, and he found it easy to enter the main gateway into the courtyard. Once there though, the going became tougher. It seemed that most of the townsfolk were looking for a safe haven inside the castle, but all were out of luck; four royal guards were in front of each doorway, preventing all access to the keep and towers, and the result was a huge throng of panicked commoners in a rapidly filling area. As his frustration grew still further with the bustling crowd pushing and jolting him around, Marcus desperately racked his brains for another way to get inside.
Marcus noticed another wave of dragons, perhaps five, maybe six, appearing over the horrizon. These hot breathed lizards appeared to be main-lining for the castle itself. Without a second thought, Marcus ran back out of the frenzied crowd, pushing his way through the distressed wall of human flesh. crying infants with their mothers, older beings loosing life due to the shock of the comotion. Marcus broke free of the crowd and started up one of the towns main watchtowers. The approaching dragons seemed some how different to the ones already raging havok around the near decimated town. Once Marcus had reached the top of the watch tower and climbed further on to the roof of the structure, he noticed that these dragons were Drakeon, a rare breed of monster; Similar to dragons in appearance, except they have a double set of wings and are noticeably larger. As far as Marcus knew the queen had no dominion over these rare beasts.

The Drakeons drew nearer now and Marcus tried to focus his strength. As the winged Demons flew by, Marcus lept valiantly from the roof of the tower. He reached out to grab at one of the monsters limbs but missed by what seemed inches at the time. The daring jump suddenly seemed like a terrible idea. Free falling, the only thing in Marcus' mind was his family. Those he had loved and provided for for so long. What would they do without him? His descent to the ground began seemingly slow but sped up rapidly. Suddenly an immense impact took Marcus' breath away as he hit a surface prematurely. One of the Drakeons had flown under his fall and caught him in the square of it's back. Marcus clung on to the demons scaley skin for dear life, taking a moment to thank his god - realising he should be dead. Marcus knew the leap from the tower was not the first stunt in this all too dramatic attempt to breach the castle walls. He took his footing on the Drakeon, which oddly seemed not to have even noticed his presence, and prepared for his second leap. Just as he was about to fly over the castle walls he took a moment to prey for his families health, then with a sudden courage he flung himself from the back of the gliding creature and began another massive descent. Marcus rolled himself in the air to try and set up for a better landing possition. Glimpses of concrete, then thatched roof, then sky seemed to whizz past Marcus' vision. Imminent impact was met with the shattering of glass and then the bassy thump of someone landing immensely hard on a padded surface. Pain shot up inbetween Marcus' shoulders and for a moment he neerly lost consciousness. Laying still now, Marcus opened his eyes to see he had crashed through a sky-light into someones bedroom, and to his ultimate luck, had managed to land himself right in that same someones exquistely soft bed. Still though, bloodied from the glass of the sky-light, Marcus managed to pull himself to his feet and make for the door of the bed chamber.

All too suddenly Marcus felt cold steel pressed against his throat. He stiffened, unmoving.
"What in Gandarius' name do you think you are doing?" a young womens voice came
"I had to get into the castle, I fell from a Drakeon's back in to your room." Replied Marcus.
"A Drakeon? The extinct drones of Sanek's wrath? You must be joking. You're be confusing them with the dragons. Today was Supposed to be my wedding day! I have been waiting for years for this day and now this has to go and happen. Stupid dragons. I wish my fiance would just kill them all already."
"No, my lady, these were drakeons, and I don't think any man could kill a small army of dragons single handedly anyway, no matter how agile or powerful."
"You obviously haven't met my Fiance. Polthimus, the infamous. He is the champion in over four districts. He is near undefeated in combat."
"Wait..." Marcus said with what seemed a voice slendered with the tone of recognition. " You are marrying Polthimus?"
"Then that would make you..."
"... Alveria - Princess of the northern empires. My blood is the blood of the fandors, and my son is prophesised to be the harbringer of immense global change." The young princess responded in a self important manner.
"Impressive," Marcus said sardonically "But Im afraid I really have to be leaving now, a matter of great importance awaits my attention. It was an honor meeting you my lady." With a quick twist Marcus flung Alveria's blade flying from her grasp and into a neighbouring room. He then clubbed alveria lightly but precisely on the collar bone sending her flying off balance onto her bed.

Marcus made his way swiftly to the hall, quickly loosing the stuned princess...
Well.... I... erm


Yeah I did a long last bit and I know I should have kept it short, but I wanted to get to the end of that little scene without rushing it. Sorry for the overly large contribution. Someone want to continue this mad series of fantasy cliche's?
shite, i hadn't seen this. can you supply me with a summary? :p
(j/k i'll read it later)
Despite the many futile knocks and yells at the door of the Prophetess, there was still no answer. Alvis was becoming increasingly aggravated, now beating the old wooden door with both fists and cursing loudly. It wasn't until a long moment later that he paused his fit of anger and took a few steps to the side. There was a window on this wall but it was too high and too small to see anything inside other than the blackened ceiling. He decided he would be sufficiently satisfied for the moment if he could only steal one of her horses, as ugly and stubborn as they must be. The idea of that repulsive creature back in his own stable popped into his head again and made him shudder with repugnance. He despised turtles. He always did. And he hated Dame Sibyl, that old wretched witch.. In truth, there wasn't much he did like, Alvis thought to himself.

Suddenly, his attention was taken by a glimpse of someone's shadow off to the side. The man stared fixedly at Alvis, while an unremarkable-looking horse rummaged carelessly through the grass at the end of a rope. "What are you staring at, you fool!" exclaimed Alvis. "I don't think she's there.." replied the man haltingly and with some difficulty, "I came to see if she could help me... she can see into the future". Alvis gave only a dismissive grunt at this and kept looking around. After some hesitation, however, the man softly uttered: "..I saw what you did to your wife yesterday". At this, Alvis froze immediately. "..you should be ashamed of yourself", continued the man with a rickety and fearful voice. The sudden loud sound of scorching fire made them both look up. A dragon had landed on the large house just up the hill, and had set it aflame. The screams of the unfortunate residents blended seamlessly with the dragon's deafening shriek. They were hidden from view by Dame Sibyl's house, but were surely next in only moments.

Without giving it a second thought, Alvis rushed towards the man, pushing him backwards and onto the clearing. The fallen man immediately drew the beast's gaze with a swift twist of its powerful neck. As the dragon drew near to claim its new helpless prey, Alvis ran for the man's horse. After a short struggle, the panicked horse was tamed into a full gallop, and Alvis was headed back home.

He quickly ran inside to get the letters he needed to bring to the castle. He had held them since yesterday, and would not be forgiven for further delays. One in particular was addressed to Princess Alveria, and it had an impressive wax seal. It seemed very important indeed. On his way out he took a torch to his stable, climbed back onto his new horse, cursed the old witch once more, and rode away as the Lurtle cried out in agony.

He rode the country side, approaching the castle grounds from the back. He passed the bountiful vineyards. He rode through the farmers' market, now destroyed and desolate. In the sky, he saw two more dragons circling the area with their wings gallantly stretched. Much further in the distance, approaching the kingdom, he caught a glimpse of something more; more dragons, he was sure, but somehow they seemed different in their manner of flying. This was all very strange, he thought. It was not the first time the Queen's dragons wreaked havoc out in the land, but this time it was starting to preoccupy him a bit more.

As he followed the murky river that flowed sluggishly away from the castle, something caught his attention. Out there in the grass lay a body. The blood that surrounded this unfortunate man made sharp contrast with the grass under the glistening morning sun. He must have been there all night, Alvis thought, as he stepped down and walked cautiously to have a closer look.

And now he heard an eerie new sound. A new rumbling growl filled the heavens, and even the very earth beneath him.