Round Robin thread #1

i didn't do anything in the previous summer, as far as i remember - i just whined all the time, but this was the result of late-winter and early-spring slow rational thinking.

@hyena: you were thinking so slowly it took you the best part of the fall to realize how slowly you were thinking. :p and no, you weren't just generally whiny, you kept on whining about that certain someone who, incidentally, following your theory would be a slow thinker even in the middle of a nuclear reaction. :)

well, the point is that during the subsequent fall my thinking came to a total halt. i hope i can do better in the coming seasons. about that certain someone, i'd say that considering the very scarcity of gifts he got from the bubu up above he's probably thinking in *his* full-speed gear... which shows you how much evil there truly is to the world.

won't anyone write a chapter of the RR?

blade, i know i'm gonna need it. i lived in london last year and then decided to come home also because i could not stand the shit weather. apparently i learnt nothing from the experience, and unexplainably i crave to be in the UK again. this time it's going to be 20 miles away from town, in the wild middle of surrey countryside, where i will not see ANYTHING but rain for six full months.

Originally posted by Villain
I work at children's summer camps (and it's been great - wonderful kids we have this year!) and the warm weather doesn't hurt us much there, as we can go swimming every now and then. But as the camp is about 20 kilometers away from the nearest inhabited place (and at least 50 km from the smallest resemblances of civilization), I'm forced to drive for half an hour in a HOT car in order to get to this damn library.

Oh, oops, I thought you worked at the library like rahvin and I do, since you mentioned it.

Glad you like your job... it sounds great

Mne is pretty good except I dropped a heavy box of books on my toes (I was wearing sandals without socks), and I injure myself by cutting my hands on sharp objects... I can't use the computers either since they are in a public place and government monitors. Working in a law court also allows me to see and hear about some pretty interesting stuff (not sure if that is a pro or con).
Where is a cold gloomy place I can move to? I hate this hot, sunny weather... even if it's only temporary...

I sunburn so easily... :cry:
@mousewings: México, and I'm not kidding, it's cold in here

Is there a librarian invasion going on or what?
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Hah, I wish, she's too good for the likes of me :waah: :p

I told you, it's nothing personal. According to Italian law if I have sex with you I end up in jail, which is not on my priority list at the moment. If in England I am allowed to fornicate with minors I could rethink the whole decision, but you sure are not going to seduce me by spitting in my garden. That's unpolite.

And Thanatos: fuck you. :)

In England, the legal age is 16 and over. I am just about legal.

And of course I won't spit in your garden. I shall sit back, try to be cool and mysterious (and fall flat on my face as a result) and wait for someone to seduce me :p
Hmm... not sure what the legal age is here in Canada (I believe it may be 16 too). I just know the age for getting married without parental consent is 18 and over. Well, I'm 18 so everything is good for me... very good since I like older guys. :grin:

Now I just have to find someone cool to marry...

@Thanatos: I'm not really studying to be a librarian, I'm going to be a library technician. Librarians run entire libraries; I'm the one who researches and/or catalogues materials. :) Mexico is cold, as compared to... the sun? :p