Round Robin thread #1

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Uh Oh, someones trying to be a hurtful dick, atleast Im not Mexican, and on another note, atleast I have a penis. :p

I don't wanna join into this wonderful fight, but everybody must admit that the last part was frankly funny. :lol:

|ng (The Awakening of the Penis) :lol: :p
They struggled on manfully (and womanfully for the P.C. here), through the cold Scandinavian forests.
And eventually...
They found them.
"Bloody hell - Ormir was actually right!" exclaimed Rahvin, while several nameless newbies fainted away in shock.
"Lets make certain they're ok," hyena said, and they rushed forwards to see if they were still alive. All with the exception of Wanderingblade and other fanboys, who were shamelessly bowing down before them.
"Let the Doctor through!" Phyros said, pushing Villain through.
"But I'm not a real Doctor, just a Doctor of Tran..." Villain's voice faded away as he noticed Phyre and Ormir take out their knives, and he looked at his patients. For want of something better to do, he prodded them with his foot. Warwick yelped slightly, so Villain said "They sound alive to me..."
The crowd cheered.
"What? No homosexual trendies to fight?" Ormir snarled in disappointment.
"Shut up about them, we're all bloody bored of them!" Wanderingblade yelled at him, leaving Ormir speechless long enough for him to carefully get behind At The Gates as a handy human shield.

"So thats all settled then, we can go home as I saved the day," Thanatos said after a moment of silence.
"What! No way you saved it! I saved it!" Nick retorted.
"You were just drunk all the time, you did nothing."
"At least I have a dick!" Nick exploded.
"Stop spamming." A chill voice cuts through their childish argument, the evil form of the Misanthrope intimidating all in its path.
But today Nick is too drunk to notice, and says wittily "Go home and fuck a Mexican." At least he thinks its witty. Final_Vision is hanging up a board on Nick's back saying 'The Evils of Drink'.
|ngenius disentangled himself from Siren long enough to read from the translation of DotNoir's notebook he took down.
"Well, according to this-" he dropped the notebook as Siren took back the arm she hadn't seen he could move. Melancholia picked it up and started reading.
After a moment, Rahvin coughed and interrupted her.
"Your speaking in Greek. Could you switch to English?"
She pauses, then continues "It looks like this is where we find them. We've done it!"
There is an embarrassing silence, as it becomes apparent that everyone else is watching the fight that has finally broken out between Nick and Thanatos. Nick is heavily disadvantaged, because hes so drunk that he can't tell the difference between Thanatos and Alfred, so he starts fighting both of them.
"Oi," snarls Ormir to Wanderingblade "You called me boring."
"And you crashed us in Mexico" Phyre snarls from the other side.
"Look, that wasn't me! That was hyena!" confronted by the truth, hyena takes instinctive defensive reaction and bits of his hand.
"Aaaarrgh!" Wanderingblade hits rahvin in reflex, who prods SilentJohan with his axe in wild retaliation, as the gathering slowly becomes a brawl...

With the exception of the women, who are obviously too sensible for this sort of thing. They were standing off to one side, sniffing at the men.
"Hi all," Mousewings says as she comes back from her hunt for mice. "Look who I found," - she pushes Lamia and Tristessa forwards "And... uhm... why are they doing that?" she points to the males.
"They're male. And obviously stupider than us as a result." Rei says, and they all nod wisely.
Hearse sneaks up to them, and starts "Uhm, hi - look I'm making a movie where I fuck lots of women, I don't suppose you want to be involved..."
He gets no further as Wanderingblade collars him and drags him back into the fight.
"Oh look," Rei starts "Its the chupi catalan robot."
"Hands off," Siren yells. "Hes mine. Get your own."
"No way." Fighting breaks out in the second group as well, a fact only noticeable to the first by |ngenius' muffled cries of
"Guys... help me... Guys? Please?"

A third, and last group is also free of fighting. The band watch bemusedly.
"What the fuck do they think they're doing?" ZodiJackyl exclaims "This is stupid."
"Yes..." Hedon says, absently searching around for a guitar. "I think we'd better go before this gets out of hand."
"Good idea."

As Qsilver staggers out, looking for another drink, he notices an odd thing. He rubs his eyes, and no - hes not imagining things in his drunken stupor.
"Err... OI!" he yells. As the group stop in mid-punch to look at him.
"I think we've lost the band... again."
"So we're gonna have to find them again?" red_beef moans. |ngenius sighs at the obviousness of the plot device.
Salamurhaaja walks over, and announces "There are tracks. Leading to Gothenbuburg."

That is the end of this branch of the story, tho' the Life Tree shall give new offerings even as this Insanity's Crescendo draws to a close...

I thank you.
*takes a bow, then quickly runs off before the audience can pelt him*