Round Robin th #2 - The Gothebuburg days

ANYONE can do the next part at ANY time. There is no booking. Just write: I'm doing next part, and then edit the post to have the next part when you are done.
Originally posted by Ormir
ANYONE can do the next part at ANY time. There is no booking. Just write: I'm doing next part, and then edit the post to have the next part when you are done.

Yes, there are bookings, at least for people like me who keep their promises :p
Part 3: A departure from the story

"What now?" asked a chastend looking Melancholia.
"We must press on," Misanthrope asserted.
"NO!" said rahvin firmly. "We must rescue our friends."
"Oh, come on, they're probably dead and I'm hungry," Thanatos whined, just before a rock hit in the head.
"I heard that!" a distorted voice yells "We're not dead yet motherfucker. Now GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"
"Apologise first!"
A silence falls, then a sotto voice can be heard
"I'm sooooooooooooo, sooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooorrrrrrrieee..."
"Now rescue us!" a second voice growls.
"What are actually going to do though?" |ngenius mutters.
"Look, we're free... and the others are here... well, I think they are anyway."
"I shall go to them," rahvin announces bravely "I shall guide them out."
"How do you propose to get to them?" Alfred asked.
"Damn you for being sensible! However..." Rahvin picked up a thread, made it a sticky thread with his special moderator powers, then hurled it to their position, and waited for them to pull him in...
"I can't see whats so special about making things sticky, I do it all the time," Hearse mumbled, although his voice faded off quickly...

"Ok, I'll get them out, you proceed," Rahvin called.

The two groups go ahead, and pass out of the mountains, arriving in the daylight to see...
you two have avatars with similar color palettes. so stop hiding your profound similarities, give in to peace and love. and you know love never goes without sex. :lol:

take no offense, i had two too many.

hyena (drunk sincerity)
Originally posted by hyena
you two have avatars with similar color palettes. so stop hiding your profound similarities, give in to peace and love. and you know love never goes without sex. :lol:

take no offense, i had two too many.

hyena (drunk sincerity)

You sure it's been just 2?
well yeah, but i haven't been drinking much lately so i have low tolerance.

Originally posted by hyena
you two have avatars with similar color palettes. so stop hiding your profound similarities, give in to peace and love. and you know love never goes without sex. :lol:

take no offense, i had two too many.

hyena (drunk sincerity)

I'm not taking offense but I'm really not attracted to people with a minus 30 I.Q and 5000% body fat, sorry Nick I know you'll find the perfect blob for you someday, in the meantime, keep looking :grin: