a serious discusion...

On a totally Un-Werthers-related note, I watched this movie Saturday night while in a cheddarburger coma, recoiling from yet another horrid Northwestern Football fiasco.
I'll always regret that they never made The Great Glass Elevator. The scene where they open the hotel and it's covered with the gore of six hundred slain guests would have made it the GREATEST KIDS' MOVIE EVER.
I bought the two books (C&tChocFactory & GlassElevator) for my nephew last Christmas. Is that hypocritical of me, having only read one of them? I should ask him if I can borrow it. Or I guess I could read it with him and each of us do a book report on it...
Yeah, that's true- but I feel different buying books for kids. Like I should know what I'm giving them, and should have read them. They open them, look at me and say, "Are these books good, Uncle Eric?" And I say, "Uh- I can't read. I thought those were menus from California Pizza Kitchen."