Neuroses Facilitator
A former co-worker of mine recently divorced her husband, who is an animal control officer for McHenry county, and while avid dog-lovers, they swore by the fact that pit bulls are very difficult to control. They have a pack mentality, and if a few get together, they'll turn on anyone - as evident by the attack last year, in which this girls' ex had a lot of tv coverage with.
I work with a guy who said basically the same thing, very violent breed of animal. They aren't like regular dogs, it's just a genetic thing that they can't surpress inside of them. He even said that in the city of Chicago they are completely illegal to own. I asked that you couldn't even go into a pet shop to buy one and he said no, they were outlawed. I found that very interesting, that the city went so far to research something like that and went through all the trouble to set forth a law determining that ordinary citizens had no right to purchase and own THAT particular breed of dog. Fascinating, really if you thing about it.
As far as Vick goes...I'm sure he isn't exactly an upstanding proud example of a person that the NFL would like to have around and he definitely deserves at least a year suspension and some jail time (though I doubt he'll have to toss the salad...

But yeah, Fuck Vick.