a sex game stoked by drugs and black magic.- There's a whiff of freedom as Knox await

Not that I think the judicial process should take into account her family's suffering, but I think it's a terrible shame that the "Foxy Knoxy" thing in tandem with the widespread belief that she was a victim of anti-U.S bias and not much else takes a great deal away from the real human side of the story, which is to say that Amanda Knox was somehow involved in a girl dying a bloody death miles away from home, and the search for the truth behind that low and disgusting act has been obscured by this crap.
Sensation is always covered with much more zeal by the media than tragedy. Someone gets murdered? Boring. Someone dies during a supposed sex game and there was a hot foreign chick involved?! WHATTA SCOOP!
The judge earlier this year had them re-examine the DNA evidence, which ended up being circumstantial. To be honest, I never thought the DNA evidence was enough to convict her, and in my opinion that's not why she was convicted in the first place. She lied to the police, showed absolutely no remorse, and blamed her ex boss who has since lost his livelihood due to the media circus following her accusations. It was more of a case of, "well, if it looks like a duck...". It was her behavior that sent her to jail, actually.

When she got to the house, she called the police, but not the Carabinieri; she called the Italian equivalent of the donut-eating, good-ole-boy town cops who trampled all over the evidence instead of waiting for the Carabinieri to get there with a full forensics team. By the time they got there, it was already contaminated. So shoddy police work by Barney Fife actually saved her in the end.

The real travesty in all of this is that Kercher has become somewhat of an afterthought due to Knox's family's PR team, making the case more of a tragedy for Amanda and less about the fact that an innocent young girl was murdered.
The Italian appeal system is actually much better than the US's. Appeals here allow courts to essentially re-try an entire case, almost like a do-over. This is why hardly anyone ever goes to jail here, and if they do, they never go to jail for long. It's their way of ensuring that innocent people don't go to prison. They feel that if there is nothing wrong with the prosecution of the case, that the appeal will hold up the same verdict as the original case. If it doesn't and the person goes free, then there's something inherently wrong in the case and the blame lies on the authorities.

If you look at my past posts from when this happened back in 2009, I believe I said something along the lines of in about 4 years or less she will either be set free or her sentence will be commuted to 10 years maximum. It looks like I overshot it by a year or two, but I was right.

I'm not joking when I say it's fucking hard to get arrested here, much less be sent to prison. This girl, for all intents and purposes was proven guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to 24 years in prison; three years later she's a free woman, heading back to the states.

Of course it will get appealed AGAIN and go to the supreme court in Rome, but like I said earlier, she'll be in Seattle long before that...and Italy will not waste time, money, and manpower extraditing her. She, for all intents and purposes, literally got away with murder...at least as an accessory.
Well, it seems like a case of setting her free because the case is too chaotic to know either way and just promising to do better the next time someone is murdered.

I resent the circus around the entire thing.
i think too much attention is being paid to the foxyness of knox

that attention should really be going to the foxyness of the murdered girl's sister

transcript of her original statement:

Transcript of Amanda Knox's handwritten statement to police on the evening of November 6, the day she was arrested:

This is very strange, I know, but really what happened is as confusing to me as it is to everyone else. I have been told there is hard evidence saying that I was at the place of the murder of my friend when it happened. This, I want to confirm, is something that to me, if asked a few days ago, would be impossible.

I know that Raffaele has placed evidence against me, saying that I was not with him on the night of Meredith's murder, but let me tell you this. In my mind there are things I remember and things that are confused. My account of this story goes as follows, despite the evidence stacked against me:

On Thursday November 1 I saw Meredith the last time at my house when she left around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Raffaele was with me at the time. We, Raffaele and I, stayed at my house for a little while longer and around 5 in the evening we left to watch the movie Amelie at his house. After the movie I received a message from Patrik [sic], for whom I work at the pub "Le Chic". He told me in this message that it wasn't necessary for me to come into work for the evening because there was no one at my work.

Now I remember to have also replied with the message: "See you later. Have a good evening!" and this for me does not mean that I wanted to meet him immediately. In particular because I said: "Good evening!" What happened after I know does not match up with what Raffaele was saying, but this is what I remember. I told Raffaele that I didn't have to work and that I could remain at home for the evening. After that I believe we relaxed in his room together, perhaps I checked my email. Perhaps I read or studied or perhaps I made love to Raffaele. In fact, I think I did make love with him.
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However, I admit that this period of time is rather strange because I am not quite sure. I smoked marijuana with him and I might even have fallen asleep. These things I am not sure about and I know they are important to the case and to help myself, but in reality, I don't think I did much. One thing I do remember is that I took a shower with Raffaele and this might explain how we passed the time. In truth, I do not remember exactly what day it was, but I do remember that we had a shower and we washed ourselves for a long time. He cleaned my ears, he dried and combed my hair.

One of the things I am sure that definitely happened the night on which Meredith was murdered was that Raffaele and I ate fairly late, I think around 11 in the evening, although I can't be sure because I didn't look at the clock. After dinner I noticed there was blood on Raffaele's hand, but I was under the impression that it was blood from the fish. After we ate Raffaele washed the dishes but the pipes under his sink broke and water flooded the floor. But because he didn't have a mop I said we could clean it up tomorrow because we (Meredith, Laura, Filomena and I) have a mop at home. I remember it was quite late because we were both very tired (though I can't say the time).

The next thing I remember was waking up the morning of Friday November 2nd around 10am and I took a plastic bag to take back my dirty cloths to go back to my house. It was then that I arrived home alone that I found the door to my house was wide open and this all began. In regards to this "confession" that I made last night, I want to make clear that I'm very doubtful of the verity of my statements because they were made under the pressures of stress, shock and extreme exhaustion. Not only was I told I would be arrested and put in jail for 30 years, but I was also hit in the head when I didn't remember a fact correctly. I understand that the police are under a lot of stress, so I understand the treatment I received.

However, it was under this pressure and after many hours of confusion that my mind came up with these answers. In my mind I saw Patrik in flashes of blurred images. I saw him near the basketball court. I saw him at my front door. I saw myself cowering in the kitchen with my hands over my ears because in my head I could hear Meredith screaming. But I've said this many times so as to make myself clear: these things seem unreal to me, like a dream, and I am unsure if they are real things that happened or are just dreams my head has made to try to answer the questions in my head and the questions I am being asked.

But the truth is, I am unsure about the truth and here's why:

1. The police have told me that they have hard evidence that places me at the house, my house, at the time of Meredith's murder. I don't know what proof they are talking about, but if this is true, it means I am very confused and my dreams must be real.

2. My boyfriend has claimed that I have said things that I know are not true. I KNOW I told him I didn't have to work that night. I remember that moment very clearly. I also NEVER asked him to lie for me. This is absolutely a lie. What I don't understand is why Raffaele, who has always been so caring and gentle with me, would lie about this. What does he have to hide? I don't think he killed Meredith, but I do think he is scared, like me. He walked into a situation that he has never had to be in, and perhaps he is trying to find a way out by disassociating himself with me.

Honestly, I understand because this is a very scary situation. I also know that the police don't believe things of me that I know I can explain, such as:

1. I know the police are confused as to why it took me so long to call someone after I found the door to my house open and blood in the bathroom. The truth is, I wasn't sure what to think, but I definitely didn't think the worst, that someone was murdered. I thought a lot of things, mainly that perhaps someone got hurt and left quickly to take care of it. I also thought that maybe one of my roommates was having menstral [sic] problems and hadn't cleaned up. Perhaps I was in shock, but at the time I didn't know what to think and that's the truth. That is why I talked to Raffaele about it in the morning, because I was worried and wanted advice.

2. I also know that the fact that I can't fully recall the events that I claim took place at Raffaele's home during the time that Meredith was murdered is incriminating. And I stand by my statements that I made last night about events that could have taken place in my home with Patrik, but I want to make very clear that these events seem more unreal to me that what I said before, that I stayed at Raffaele's house.

3. I'm very confused at this time. My head is full of contrasting ideas and I know I can be frustrating to work with for this reason. But I also want to tell the truth as best I can. Everything I have said in regards to my involvement in Meredith's death, even though it is contrasting, are the best truth that I have been able to think.

[illegible section]

I'm trying, I really am, because I'm scared for myself. I know I didn't kill Meredith. That's all I know for sure. In these flashbacks that I'm having, I see Patrik as the murderer, but the way the truth feels in my mind, there is no way for me to have known because I don't remember FOR SURE if I was at my house that night. The questions that need answering, at least for how I'm thinking are:

1. Why did Raffaele lie? (or for you) Did Raffaele lie?
2. Why did I think of Patrik?
3. Is the evidence proving my pressance [sic] at the time and place of the crime reliable? If so, what does this say about my memory? Is it reliable?
4. Is there any other evidence condemning Patrik or any other person?
3. Who is the REAL murder [sic]? This is particularly important because I don't feel I can be used as condemning testimone [sic] in this instance.

I have a clearer mind that I've had before, but I'm still missing parts, which I know is bad for me. But this is the truth and this is what I'm thinking at this time. Please don't yell at me because it only makes me more confused, which doesn't help anyone. I understand how serious this situation is, and as such, I want to give you this information as soon and as clearly as possible.

If there are still parts that don't make sense, please ask me. I'm doing the best I can, just like you are. Please believe me at least in that, although I understand if you don't. All I know is that I didn't kill Meredith, and so I have nothing but lies to be afraid of.
Yeah, it kinda reaffirms my suspicions that, while she probably didn't actually do the killing, she was an accessory to the murder.

The problem with all of this is that this is just one girl's drug-induced memory, and it won't hold up in court. What really happened was that she was probably there, witnessed the murder, then realized later that they tried to pin it all on her when she was confronted with Raffaele's statement against her. At this point she's backtracking and miraculously only remembers flashes, which is complete bullshit. It's one thing to smoke a joint and be a little high, but to have entire swaths of your memory from the previous night gone from your mind sounds more like either lying or narcotics.

Either way she's on a plane over the Atlantic right now and we'll only know the truth when she writes her book and makes millions off of the movie deal.
Funny stuff.

Most have not lived abroad, much less before 21 years old... And to be living abroad WHILE high (she doesn't look to be a pot smoking pro), suddenly you come home to find blood in the bathroom... Possibly still high or still not right.

I had someone close to me strike a pedestrian with her car at a busy intersection. She called me in a panic asking what to do instead of calling 911. She isn't exactly dumb either, but wtf She just ran someone over and called me instead of 911.

Not everyone on the face of the planet knows the best way to handle a dire situation on the spot.

Not to mention she had not been in Italy long, most likely was NOT familiar with laws and police (not saying she was in the US but with family she would've had access to an attorney within minutes of being questioned). As with police investigations often they do not question you and trap you, rather they accuse you, call your bluff by saying they have concrete evidence that'll put you away.....they used her boyfriend as incriminating evidence.... The girl was 100% alone. Her statement sounds like a girl who believed what the investigators were saying and in way over her head without legal presentation in a foreign country.

I've followed pretty closely and the DNA evidence was clearly botched, the prosecutor has quite the history of railroading innocent people and the desire to find justice for the victim had priority over common sense. The appeal brought 2nd and 3rd opinions on the evidence collections, video tapes of the collecting proved the contaminations, 37 day later evidence gathering from a pile of belongings....

C'mon. Give me a break. She was a not so bright foreign girl with little to no survival skills in a world that was a lot meaner and more evil than she ever knew.
I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I don't care how naive you are, how high you are, or how panicked you are...you don't confess to MURDERING someone if you didn't have anything to do with it.

But again, the evidence was circumstantial. Like I said, she was prosecuted due to holes in her story and her behavior, not on the evidence. Of course they said it was evidence, but it wasn't.

Another thing I feel I have to mention is this blasting by Americans everywhere of the Italian legal system. It's slow and inefficient, sure, but Italy doesn't even have the death penalty. Amanda Knox was convicted of murder and was sentenced to 24 years in prison, and got let out 4 years later because EVERYONE gets a "do-over" hearing as their appeal. How many people have been EXECUTED on shaky evidence in the states? Troy Davis, anyone? It just happened two weeks ago, and yet everyone seems to have already forgotten about EXECUTING a man whose linchpin against him were the witnesses, who have since recanted their testimonies. Not only that, he rotted in jail for over 20 years during all this and they executed him anyway.

The West Memphis Three? They served 18 years until they were set free. Americans talking shit need to shut the fuck up.

How many people have been sent to prison for years before being exonerated in the states? In the last year alone there have been 138 exonerations. 138!!!! ONE HUNDRED-THIRTY EIGHT!!!! IN ONE YEAR ALONE!!! And the ITALIAN justice system is fucked? Please.

She's rich. She's white. She's a girl. She walks.
EVERYONE is talking about it. It's really interesting, actually, because everyone here is split right down the middle just like everywhere else in the world. There is the camp that says it's a travesty of justice because she got away with murder and there's the camp that says it's a travesty of justice because they imprisoned her for four years before throwing out the case.

It's incredibly clear how the media is trying to be divisive over this whole thing when everyone in the world pretty much has the same idea, whether they think she did it or not. Just as many people here think she's innocent as the ones who think she's guilty, yet the media is saying shit like Italians treat women like they were in the middle ages and shit like that.

Heh, if anything, it's the other way around. Women here are incredibly pragmatic. Do you think Berlusconi is fucking all these women? Of course he is, but they're fucking him even harder by making him pay them tons of money to keep their mouths shut. Women here are ten times as intelligent as men and ten times more shrewd. I fucking laughed when I read that shit, how the media took one silly ass line from the prosecutor and just labeled all of Italy like that.

And that's why Italians don't like tourists or foreign media, because they tend to hear half of a story and just make up the rest.