a star wars video game and battlefront 2


Sep 12, 2002
are time consuming and exciting and fun, but

regardless, without warning, a muffled neil young song was playing in the background at the post office just a few minutes ago, and the peripheral thoughts involved in hearing such things remind me of aspirations i never tried to live up to, and the expectations that my father could have instilled in me but never really did. and then, of course, i don't think neil young would have spent his time with these games late at night.

i haven't been eating very well or much at all, lately, and my intention was to leave the post office to get something with egg in it from dunkin donuts, and i am hopelessly addicted to coffee as it is, but i stopped in my tracks and headed back to the car. i went to the local shitty convenient store chain and opted for their coffee, a hard roll and some chocolate, instead. and i keep wondering, when is the time to start crying wolf?
alex i'm playing the BF2 demo and it was lagging/leaking memory so badly until i figured out how that setting everything to low makes it run a little better. my gcard is somewhat in the middle

another thing is this: i'm apparently watching a zombie movie with two single 40 year old board game collectors tonight (one is a friend, the other is a guy i've never met but he runs some sort of dying gamers' guild) and i'm in charge of bringing the zombie movie

so do i bring a romero film that i've seen 100000 times, or the fulci zombi 2?

also, do i choose to go out for drinks with them if they follow through and actually do that? i'm nowhere near cool enough to pull off a "i'm the cooler guy with 2 other guys who are talking about board games and warhammer in the middle of an adult bar" scene.
this reminds of the classic gold medal at the special olympics joke: even if you win, you're still retarded.

being said, I know and have hung out with quite a few board game-collector types. all of them post on the other board fwiw.
yeah i've always took note of their presence, avi, and i'm so exposed to the board game culture (going so far as to play once or twice a month out of sheer boredom, because i certainly don't enjoy a lot of the games they play), that often i'm reading stuff you all talk about and wanting to contribute but then not knowing how to go about responding.
nick, if you're actually going to intently watch the movies, maybe fulci. but if you guys are gonna chat and comment, the romero films are great for that--you can focus your concentration in and out, get really into the best parts and stop your conversation, and even while you talk about space hulk or whatever there's delightful munching noises in the background.

i also think you can pull off the "too cool guy". my friend tom was always iffy bout pulling that off and once he got stuck on the T with two LARPer friends who shouted loudly "AND THEN I DECAPITATED HIM! I HAD A WARD VERSUS KINDRED ON MY SILVER KATANA AND IT BURNED HIM FOR THREE AGG! I WANTED TO MAKE SURE HE DIDN'T REGENERATE SO I PULLED OUT HIS HEART AND GUTS WITH MY HANDS!" and acted out their fighting. and he says he did a pretty good job of looking bemused.
is it possible to be fully enraptured in the mating season, with these factors involved:

- you don't necessarily have the physical urge to mate
- you're old
- mating season has been over for 4 months

Nick: zombi 2 as well. I never understood board gamers really. I played Risk, Axis&Allies and D&D a few times but don't feel a need to play again ever. I am sure you can pull the too cool guy because it doesn't take much to be cooler than a LARPer. Case in point: look at Alex, as cool as butane flame :)

Also: (about mating season) Yes. But being old is a very relative term.

Avi: for a second I thought you were talking about the Toronto band...