For Christmas my son got a radio with a CD player in it. He put in Iron Maiden to wake him up every morning.
Yeah, he's my boy.
A couple of nights after Christmas, I think it could've even been New Years, we had a "major" snow storm. Well as much as a major snow storm CT can get, coming from a bred Minnesotan.
The street I live on is on a hill and when the plows come I hear them scraping around the corner.
Early one morning, I'm still sleeping. My subconscious hears the plows in the background. But instead of hearing the normal grating of the blades on the asphalt, I hear the plows coming around the corner playing "Number of the Beast". It was like an ice cream truck for the snow, and a warning for cars to move out of the way. In my head I kept thinking, "This is the coolest snow plow EVER!"
A few seconds later I awoke from my sleep to realize I did indeed hear the snow plow, but the Iron Maiden was my son's alarm clock.
Guess CT doesn't have the coolest snow plows in the world.

A couple of nights after Christmas, I think it could've even been New Years, we had a "major" snow storm. Well as much as a major snow storm CT can get, coming from a bred Minnesotan.
The street I live on is on a hill and when the plows come I hear them scraping around the corner.
Early one morning, I'm still sleeping. My subconscious hears the plows in the background. But instead of hearing the normal grating of the blades on the asphalt, I hear the plows coming around the corner playing "Number of the Beast". It was like an ice cream truck for the snow, and a warning for cars to move out of the way. In my head I kept thinking, "This is the coolest snow plow EVER!"
A few seconds later I awoke from my sleep to realize I did indeed hear the snow plow, but the Iron Maiden was my son's alarm clock.
Guess CT doesn't have the coolest snow plows in the world.