A taste of extreme divinity || New album

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After 4 years of break record, if we exclude last year's re-release the album "Catch 22", Peter Tagtgren finally decided to dedicate to his first band Hypocrisy. I do not know if he is trying to get the number is his Pain albums or no, or Pain si more successful commercial project, but its not important until Hypocrisy give us so good albums. This year we got the album "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity" and on this occasion we managed to get a interview with this band. Too bad a, Peter could not be on the other phone line because we sent him too many questions, but Mikael Hedlund explained to us how things are in Hypocrisy atm.

Hi Michael, we havent heard for a long time any news regarding to t Hypocrisy so I would ask you what happened since Virus tilll now.

Virus was released in 2005,and we had a promotion and a tour in US. We had a lot of shows and we started to write songs for new album, but no particular discussing for a studio. Our standard is to write songs first and then think about the reservation of the term in the studio and recording material. Also, Peter was busy with Pain,then Horgh started to do with Immortal again, and I took care of some private things in my life.I really needed a break. I had no obligations related to the tour, I had time for some private things, and time to write new songs. Four years have been quite a long period of time, but I used it fine and I had time for other things in life. I composed a lot. There was a period when I had the inspiration and for seven days I wrote parts for two songs, then came a period when nothing happened because I didnt have inspiration. Last year we figured out that we have prepared everything and that we can enter the studio and start with recording.

Before I ask you a few question about the new album, last year, you have announced the re-release of "Catch 22" and I know that many of the audience did not accept the first one version. There is negative criticism on this issue. What interests me is what made you decide for a new version and what did u do exactly?
Listen, the album "Catch 22" is a good album, but there were some misunderstandings between us as a band who recorded the material and the audience that listened to what we recorded. We wanted to do something new with material, put new Hypocrisy sound- dirtier and more concrete, to do smth we never did.Ppl didnt want to accept that change and they wondered what is it. Personally,I this is quite OK Hypocrisy material but some ppl didint think so and we decided to record the material in a typical way of Hypocrisy. We rearranged songs,recorded vocals, drums and other things again so we can sound like standard Hypocrisy. I like both versions.

What do you think, how people reacted to this new version?

Ah, it allways has some negative reviews and comments. Now some ppl didnt think its OK that we remix and reproduce old material again,but I think its going to be good.as I said,I think its good.

Well, then let's talk about the new album. So called "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity" and if I can say album is not about aliens?

(Laugh). No it is not. It is not even on a concept album.You can confirm that. Peter wrote all lyrics as usual and this time the subjects were things from his head during that period when he wrote. The good thing is that we will put lyrics in the booklet so you can all know what its about.

If i can notice from the song names , it is about the current situation in the world, and so on.
Well, yes. I think Peter thought about it while writing those lyrics.

For A Taste Of Extreme Divinity "we can say that the typical Hypocrisy album, provided that there are some modern feeling.
I agree that this is pure Hypocrisy album, but a lot of people said that this is the most brutal material we wrote and in addition I will say this is the most melodic album.

Im free to say I really like melodies on this album.

Well, it is essential part of Hypocrisy, melodies and harmonies on the album. However, the vocals are different. For example, we have a few moments on the album where we used clean vocals with growls. Perhaps because of this way of mixing the vocals,people think that this is the most brutal album that we recorded. Again I say, this is a typical pure Hypocrisy album with a lot of melodies and harmonies.

Oh well, there is nothing bad with experimenting with some new things and trying to record things in a different way, purely for refreshment.

Not even so much new for us because we use a standard style of singing that we used on other albums.We used clean vocals earlier but its all about producing and mixing.

Who wrote the songs on the album and how is it to work with you? How you and Peter cooperate together?
Specifically, my four songs on the album are "Weed Out The Weak", "Global Domination", "Alive" and "Tamed (Filled With Fear).

(Laugh) funny, but those are one of the best songs on the album. But I wanted to ask you that,cause melodies are really good.
(Laugh) What an accident.Im glad you like it.

Peter wrote all other songs.

Yes, exactly . We work like that,that everyone is sitting home and writing songs. It means we do the songs the way we think we should and when we enter the studio and change them if we think its necessary.

So you two dont practice together or never write songs together. How?
It works well for now. i think its OK. I sit at my home and write songs and then in the studio working on arrangements, because I know how Peter works just as he knows how I work. When we meet in the studio,everything goes very easy and amazing. Now when we recorded in January, we worked only my songs,his songs were already done. We have a very good working relationship and dialogue during the recording so everything works properly.

Rehearsals are just before the concert, nothing before?
Smth like that,yes. We play before the tour or concerts and before the recording in studio we record some demo songs , and we changed them if its necessary. As I said, it works well. This time we had four years to prepare new songs and we worked completely relaxed, without stress, without any deadlines and pressures to be completed as soon as possible. This is for example the difference between the occurrence of previous albums and although I doubt that we will do so in the future because the four-year break is a lot. Such breaks arent good for us when it comes to the band, Hypocrisy, at least not to me. Peter and Horgh have other bands while I work only for Hypocrisy. We had some unwritten rule to record an album every other year which is quite OK, but this break was good cause we got a chance to relax.

For you it means a longer holidays while Peter was not because he was busy with Pain. How do you like his work?
I think that he is doing with the Pain very well. I really think so. It is interesting that each album is done and published as his last. I wish him all the best with the band.

Are you thinking about a project past a Hypocrisy?
For now, i dont. As I said in the last four years I took care of my private life. For now, I dont have time to do that but it doesnt mean that maybe sometimes I will not do it. We will see . For now we'll be pretty busy with the promotion of "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity" so I have no time to think about those things.

Well then, what are your plans for promotion?
Now we have planned for the U.S. tour in America with Ensiferum which starts in November until the end of January in Europe and we have a tour that should last a month. I think we'll have some more performance, but currently it is not confirmed and I do not know what to say. I'm sure it will be very active year. I hope we will play everywhere. I have not played for almost four years of concerts and shows I'm very hungry, and others are too.

To go back a on the album "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity" and tell me who did a cover and why did you chose this work?
Our record company, which has already collaborated with artist Kristian Wahlin-om, known as Necrolord, who worked some of the cult covers. I personally love his work because it has a special style. He came to us with this idea and we agreed on paper because it is cool. I think, is pretty brutal but it is great.

How do you think that album art has to do with the topic in the texts?
Cover shows the brutality of our music definitely. i dont know for lyrics. I believe its connected. When you look at the picture and the title of the album, this should be it.

What "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity means for you?
Auuu ... it is a very difficult question. Trust me that I never thought thought about that (laughter). Peter came with the name and idea about so it is more a question for him

I noticed that your song "Taste The Extreme Divine" is the fastest and shortest on the album.
Yes, that is. There is logic right? However, it is difficult to me now to talk about that song when I worked on it.

Well then, tell us about your songs.
So whenever I sat down to write songs, I always base them on melodies. I even thought about how to write a song that will be another "Adjusting the Sun" (song from the album "The Final Chapter" author's remark). I wanted to mix thrash with DM with some melodies and mid tempos,and mix everything in one song. I think I managed to do it in songs I wrote for "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity. Therefore, we have the blastbeats, thrash metal elements, the melodic refrain and a mid tempo moments. So I want to make songs interesting, and not be one-sided. This is the way I like to do.

Generally, you're satisfied with the final work?
I am very satisfied. I think we move to a higher level with every new album. Im free to say that our production on this album is the best so far. Songs are strong, and all who love Hypocrisy will fancy this album. Likewise, it is a good thing that Peter has a studio and we recorded an album with him because it would certainly feeling during the shooting in the second study was different and strained. Thus we had more time to work on songs, take breaks when you get tired, we did not care for how much time we all end up, and so on.

Michael thank you so much for this interview and hope that we will see somewhere in one of your concerts.
I hope so too. Thank you for the promotion of this album and band Hypocrisy.
this morning i saw a postal package from nuclear blast lying on the floor. i stopped breathing for a moment.
but then i saw my brothers name on it. :waah: he ordered some shirts of some stupid bands
cool interview, Mikael rocks and should come post around sometimes

Originally Posted by SomeoneWild View Post
i once came in a cup, and never told anyone. We still have that cup and it is frequently used by the entire family

that sig almost made me shit my pants! LMFAO
Just saw the summer-breeze website (festival here in germany)
hypocrisy, dark tranquillity and some gay-shit-band are already announced. Guess I'll be there next year.
Man I would like to go. Anyway, subway to sally!? What the hell is that shit? :goggly:

Some of that "medieval rock" which seems to be so fucking popular in my country. I can't stand it though.:Puke:

But its, like everything a matter of taste... :P
yes there are many of those medieval bands. but theres one, i really like: Gernotshagen check this out: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWgujsZsrt4&feature=PlayList&p=7FAA9902841E3D47&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=44[/ame]
Just saw the summer-breeze website (festival here in germany)
hypocrisy, dark tranquillity and some gay-shit-band are already announced. Guess I'll be there next year.
Sweet. I've been thinking about doing something else than Wacken next year, might end up at Summer Breeze if they keep getting bands like this.
Minutes feels like hours. :(

Seriously... listen to Warning - Watching from a Distance.

It's the saddest album on this planet.

His sadness will make you feel better about yours. (and it's long so it eats time) It's how I coped with the latest Iced Earth being so terrible. :lol:

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I'm gonna make it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Only a few days left and I haven't heard a bit except the teasers, it's gonna be a big surprise, I really can't wait any much longer!