A thread for Mr. Paul Unhinged


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
As I understand it, you live entirely off your music & art/design work at the moment? May I ask approx. how much you make a month? What exactly is it that you do & how much comes from Scald & the design business respectively? What about those other distributed CD's that you sell on your website? How much do you work (how much do you do every month to get those £££s)? Do you do advertising or publicity crap to get the word around about your services? Etc. Tell me more kindly. Cheers in advance
You don't want to be messing with capitalism. Next thing you know, you'll be opening a bank account and only wearing corpse paint on the weekends.
QUOTE=ErikAs I understand it, you live entirely off your music & art/design work

at the moment?

actually I'm not even close to doing that yet
my art subsidises does pay enough to subsidise it a bit, my music pays me nothing other than the

occasional cd

May I ask approx. how much you make a month?What exactly is it that you do & how

much comes from Scald & the design business respectively?

yes you may ask....but its variable and more often than not pitiful
I'm starting to get more recognition now and at least people have mostly stopped asking me to

work for free, but even bigger releases pay shit money,
if you can work like m**e b*****h and churn out tons of photoshop covers quickly I guess you

could do alright. My shit usisally takes 3 times longer than the fee covers, so the hourly rate

is usually less than minimum wage

I hope that someday i can cut out all the design work I'm not bothered with and consentrate on

art. with my present family circumstances (i'm not going to go into it) I don't get enough hours

to make a go of it, family has to come first. But i am planning on expanding a bit soon, I'll be

trying to get our own room in the building we practice in which can double as a painting / photo

studio + rehersal room, I have no room to set up a large painting at home and thats where I see

myself going in the near future.

Scald makes very little money and it all goes back into the band when we do
all 3 of us are pretty damn poor, pete is the only one with a proper job
which he just started a couple of months back after a long unemployed stint
none of us have even slightly rich parents so everything has been scraped up off our own backs,

its another reason why we're slow....but cost effective
we're at a point now were scald is almost paying for itself, money goes to , practice rent,

equipment, recording and producing our cds etc

you really need to be fairly big in the underground to make any money, and that involves touring

What about those other distributed CD's that you sell on your website? [/


we don't sell that much
the stock we have is trade with other distros for our own cds
it helps the spread at least
for our mates we'll sell thier stuff non profit after paypal fees + postage, we really don't get


How much do you work (how much do you do every month to get those £££s)? Do you

do advertising or publicity crap to get the word around about your services? Etc.

my typical day
(if its one i have time to do work)
get up around 7.30
do some housework, get the lad ready for school
8:30- school run
followed by taking meals and medication to an elderly relative whos been ill for some time
make sure he's sorted for the day, clear up a bit

do any shopping that needs done ..

get home around 9:30
theres usually some shit to do, then whatever emails are urgent, then work till 2:30 on artwork
so I normally get 3-4 hrs work done during the day, if I'm lucky
occasionally I'll get 6 hrs

then I go to pick my sone up from school
a half hour spent waiting in the car, usually with a sketchbook
get home, deal with homework
another hr or so on emails downstairs, sometimes I'll work on the shitty comp downstairs doing

illustrator parts, or surf about
cook dinner if its my turn, sit downstairs doing family stuff or work til about 9/10

then usually back upstairs to do work or scald work till 1am or so
sometimes 2am or later depending on workload....wether or not I pass out


I used to approach labels etc about artwork but its rarely successful
these days they just come to me

I've had features in a couple of music mags
not sure if that has helped or not

I'm fairly shit at networking really, not being the social type

I'm in better position than I was a couple of years back but where I'd like to be
is creating art of my own and being able to live of it
licencing works to those who want to publish it
it would take out about 1/3 of the slog
i think i share some of your sentiments on this one. i'd like to become a farmer or cook. I have been almost fanatically interested in food/cooking lately. don't know if this constitutes being apart from the system, but as long as i'm doing something i'm passionate about for my own reasons, i don't see the problem.
sometimes I wish I could have done a tattooing apprenticeship or something

but whatever, if I had no responsibilities / lived alone etc
I'd have fewer outgoings and more time to work so it would be a lot more feasable
regular jobs suck, but I've earned more sometimes digging holes or burning off old paintwork than making art
unhinged, if you pretend for a moment that you had no responsibilities with your family and whatever else that eats your time, and that you could spend all the time you wanted on doing scald/art/design work -- do you think you could sustain a sufficient income to survive solely on those things?
construction workers get paid crazy. i knew a guy who'd work 6 days a week construction, get paid $20 an hour and double-time on the 6th day, then come work at the grocery store a couple of evenings a week. must've been pulling in pretty good money there!
you want mad cash? work dock crew at the fish plant. work for a 6-18 hour shift, 4 hours off, you've got another shot at a 6+hour shift again. That said, turning down shifts bumps you down the call-in list order. You get overtime.

I made $1500 in 3 days. (partially due to the holiday... automatic stat pay! + OT + OT stat pay)
problem is i don't care about money. i like my $9.75 at the grocery store. i feel like that place needs someone with half a brain to help keep it in order. the managment all but acknowledges that i run the dairy department way better than the dairy manager who makes $17/hr

edit: i might even stick with the grocery retail business... i like it for god knows what reason
Yeah, I know what you mean. For a summer job, dock crew is IDEAL... if you can get on it that is... but yeah... I only got a few dock shifts, mostly I was inside (Wayne, the surimi lead needed my help more than dock crew did). But yeah, buddy of mine made $17,500 in July/August. He worked every shift (granted, he didn't really have time to sleep and his girlfriend had to buy him food and make it for him, most itme off he got all summer was 12 hours due to a cancelled boat.)

Everyone here at school is clammoring for the top jobs that pay like $100,000+... Then I look at the requirements for them and I don't want them... "Willing to work up to 36 hours at a time" "Willing to be on call at all times" "Willing to work an average of 60 hours a week, no overtime"

Fuck that. I'll take the $50,000 a year job thats like "willing to sit at work bored." "willing to do the shit jobs" "willing to have no ulcers"
lizard said:
as long as you realize that admins of any kind are frequently required to be on call....maybe sharing the call roster with others, but still.

I know that, if I end up in texas I'll end up working with my buddy ryan probably. VOIP installation/deployment team.