A toxic grind machine intro... yay or gay?

Jun 2, 2005

What do you think of it? i feel the whole mix is a bit bass heavy, but my ears are tired... mixed a bit lower in volume as well compared to the rest, i have no clue why, but now i had to lower the volume or else it would clip like crazy... the rest of the songs were fine at that volume.

oh yeah, the one who finds out what song i have blended in at the end of the song gets a cookie! (think 80's!) :headbang:
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I'm reaaaally digging it - dark as hell, sounds huge, creates some nice tension/dark vibes leading up for the rest of the tracks.

I think the pause with the breakdown in the middle interrupts things a bit, but I'm used to intro tracks being straightforward and not very dynamically varied from that standpoint. I have no clue if what I just said makes sense to anyone else, it's hard for me to put into words. Pelvic thrusts might convey it a bit better.

No clue on the 80's track tho?
Cheers Jeff...

and yeah, i feel the same about the middle part as well.. i wanted to do a nice acoustic part with some violins or something, you know? i have no acoustic guitar though at the moment.. well i do, but it's shit. :lol:
I was thinking, the middle part being just one part where i want some vocals blended in, but lower in volume like normal.. like a layer of music, and sort of a introduction to the voices being on the music on the rest of the songs... if that makes any sense for ya.
The one thing I really love about your music Bobby is that it inspires me. I instantly wants to make music when i listen to your stuff man. There's not a lot of bands that do that to me anymore. Maybe only Nevermore and Machine Head.
What's up with the piano? Samples? Program?

I love piano. It's one of those instruments that instantly will add a good amount of sophistication to anything. Such a classy sounding instrument.
God DAMN!!! Right at the 2:05 mark when the guitars kick in hard....Holy Shit that is killer dude!!! Heavy as hell!!!

I don't like the drums at the begining before everything else kicks in but this is insane overall!!!

I just finished watching "The Omen" remake, before listening to this! Your intro has the same vibe as the music in that movie! Nice! The piano licks sound wicked! The panned crashes are cool. I can't wait to get this good of drum sound with DFHS! I need to play my Triton more too, now! Awesome track, man! Overall...pretty gay.:heh:
I don't care for the intro much. The piano sounds too "keyboard" for me (it's got that scooped-mids sound) and I think the whole piece needs some coherence. Maybe if you the vocals are done, it will sound more "flowing" but right now I get the feeling that these are just parts put together.

Fave part starts at 1:53 when the fat-ass riff gets introduced and that tom hits bigtime :)
Cheers all!


Synths are:

Imposcar used 3 times, meaning i used 3 different synths of imposcar... rob papen blue, rob papen albino 2, nuendo's A1 (ensemble), edirol for piano, strings, timpani rolls and hits (those low big hits) and orchestral kit for cymbal hits and different small stuff you hear in the beginning... plus symphonic orchestra choirs... i forgot 1 or 2...

And yeah, i do love piano as well.. perhaps the most beautifull sounding instrument ever made for me.. however, i agree with smy, it sounds still a bit meh in this one.. kev and i have had a long search for a good piano VSTi out there, but so far no luck really.. all of em sound like a VSTi, so i should probably hook up a expensive yahama or roland to get the good piano stuff like the way i want it to be... this will probably not be the final piano sound i will use.

The guitars were POD XT, i will replace them as well in the final mix, but it'll have to do for now.. these were kazrog's patches.. all 2 of them, tweaked, but i did 4 tracks in total...

Reason for bass, DFHS plus samples for drums (samples were used lightly this time, blended in about 40% on the kick, and 30% on the snare)...

Cheers again... :kickass:
Black neon bob said:
Cheers all!

And yeah, i do love piano as well.. perhaps the most beautifull sounding instrument ever made for me.. however, i agree with smy, it sounds still a bit meh in this one.. kev and i have had a long search for a good piano VSTi out there, but so far no luck really.. all of em sound like a VSTi, so i should probably hook up a expensive yahama or roland to get the good piano stuff like the way i want it to be... this will probably not be the final piano sound i will use.

Cheers again... :kickass:

Try The Grand VSTi or NI Akoustik Piano. I prefer the latter, but don't have it, so I gotta work with The Grand, which is pretty cool, imnsho.
Big well done Bob! That sounds phenomenal as usual. I always know when you're up to something... for maybe a week or 2 or 3 coming to that lol... there will be no siting of teh booooob and then suddenly, from out of nowhere, a beastly piece arrives!!!

Only things i would criticise would be 1:45- 1:55, that left channel part sounds a bit weak, anything else fit in there? Its very bass heavy indeed for the main part, could that be tamed a tad?

Other than this... composure wise & mix wise, Class Act ;)

smy1 said:
Try The Grand VSTi or NI Akoustik Piano. I prefer the latter, but don't have it, so I gotta work with The Grand, which is pretty cool, imnsho.

Hey smy, they're still not a patch on a real nice roland as we ended up finding (especially akoustik). I think grand piano is the best ive heard in terms of piano vst though :)
i like it alot. When the guitars bust in from the filtered part i just want to bang my head. Awesome as always. I like the synth at around 2:45, i would prefer it alittle louder. Very blackmetal-esque.