A track off my bands EP (melodic hardcore)

Sounds great I'm interested into the guitar processing (especially for leads). I really like your mix ( the song too :) ).
haha thanks man :)
im really glade everyone i have showed so far is into my bands new stuff.

and bro honestly the chain for guitars is just.

pod farm.
psp vintage warmer
s1 shuffler.

its really nothing special i think the guitars sounding good in this are coming from the edits/bass tone and the mastering buss.

because by there self these guitars suck bad haha :p
Everything seems to fit very well, and the song itself was quite enjoyable. Could use some more clean singing though ( just my own preference ).
Yeah they're definitely my favorite part. The music is a bit too FTFD/Rise-y for me, I'm more It Prevails when it comes to melodic metalcore.
yeah i mean our music is a tad into the more trendy melodic hardcore but i dig it, i have punk roots with vocals and i think the mix between the heavy melodic hardcore and the punk vocals brings a new different sound to it.
Reminds me of For The Fallen Dreams... But hey, they're one of my favorite bands. So good job =D
Link to a facebook or something?
song sounds really good man.....very nice indeed! great mix too....all the levels are great and every instrument has its own place in the mix. spot on! can tell that you've done a lot of editing work on it...especially with the guitars. sounds super tight!

how did you record the drums? live and then blended samples? or through an electic kit and fully triggered? SD 2.0??

and with the guitar chain, which rig did you opt for in pod farm? i'm guessing that the guitar you used had EMG's and was tuned to drop C?
song sounds really good man.....very nice indeed! great mix too....all the levels are great and every instrument has its own place in the mix. spot on! can tell that you've done a lot of editing work on it...especially with the guitars. sounds super tight!

how did you record the drums? live and then blended samples? or through an electic kit and fully triggered? SD 2.0??

and with the guitar chain, which rig did you opt for in pod farm? i'm guessing that the guitar you used had EMG's and was tuned to drop C?

naw man we play in B flat.
and everyone in the band owns EC 1000's but we uses mine that i have in my studio. and yeah lots of editing to get it all tight.

and we tracked live drums then i re programed exactly what he playing, its all samples even cymbals.

slate/sturgis a plea for purging pack.

and it was just cali d plate, ts thread plate cab in pod farm.

the EP when it comes out might be reamped all 5150 i have no decided yet.
we are just going to release a couple singles off of it so i have time to pick what i want it to sound like.