A word on the 2005 roster....

Cool, I like disagreements. :)

I only say that because I have been a fan for 10 or so years. I've NEVER seen them preform live before, for various reasons. I FINALLY got a chance to see them, I agree... I was getting antsy waiting for Taj Mahal to finish to get to see 'Tage... When they did, they didn't disappoint. They played Edge of Thorns, and no one will ever convince me that they didn't play that song just for me.

So, that night, one of my dreams came true. :)

I'm more of a thrash/death metal girl, so the only band I really knew about was Savatage. I knew of Edguy, but I'm not a fan. So PPV was all about Savatage for me... until I heard Adagio and Tad Morose, I became of fan of thiers as well.

MetalRose said:
Cool, I like disagreements. :)

Me too.

MetalRose said:
I only say that because I have been a fan for 10 or so years. I've NEVER seen them preform live before, for various reasons. I FINALLY got a chance to see them, I agree... I was getting antsy waiting for Taj Mahal to finish to get to see 'Tage... When they did, they didn't disappoint. They played Edge of Thorns, and no one will ever convince me that they didn't play that song just for me.

That's cool. I got to hear Zach do it the year before with CIIC, and that was, without a doubt, the highlight of CIIC. "Edge of Thorns" is my favorite 'Tage disc, and my favorite 'Tage song (along with "Sad Wings").

MetalRose said:
So, that night, one of my dreams came true. :)

Very cool.

MetalRose said:
I'm more of a thrash/death metal girl, so the only band I really knew about was Savatage.

Not a whole lot of you out there.

MetalRose said:
I knew of Edguy, but I'm not a fan. So PPV was all about Savatage for me... until I heard Adagio and Tad Morose, I became of fan of thiers as well.

I dug Edguy at PPIII, but last year, they did nothing for me.

Tad Morose and Brainstorm owned.

MetalRose said:
Cool, I like disagreements. :)

I only say that because I have been a fan for 10 or so years. I've NEVER seen them preform live before, for various reasons. I FINALLY got a chance to see them, I agree... I was getting antsy waiting for Taj Mahal to finish to get to see 'Tage... When they did, they didn't disappoint. They played Edge of Thorns, and no one will ever convince me that they didn't play that song just for me.

So, that night, one of my dreams came true. :)

I'm more of a thrash/death metal girl, so the only band I really knew about was Savatage. I knew of Edguy, but I'm not a fan. So PPV was all about Savatage for me... until I heard Adagio and Tad Morose, I became of fan of thiers as well.


I'm also on the thrash/metal side also.Thats why i would love to see
DEATH ANGEL to play prog power. Or how about some DYING FETUS, yeah right, imagine that. ha ha

Local X and Dark One-

Sweet. I know I'm a rare breed and I'm damn proud of it! :) Make sure to snag me sometime at the next PP and we'll chat about Deicide, Six Feet Under, Genitortures and a ton more. :)

I was probabally the easiest person to describe and find at PPV. "Where's MetalRose?" "Have you seen the chick in the knee high boots and fishnets?" "Which one?" "Oh, the one in the chain maille halter top!" LOL.

MetalRose said:
Local X and Dark One-

Sweet. I know I'm a rare breed and I'm damn proud of it! :) Make sure to snag me sometime at the next PP and we'll chat about Deicide, Six Feet Under, Genitortures and a ton more. :)
Awesome! Old school Deicide (1st two albums) = :headbang:

I'm a huge fan of death/thrash acts with just a touch of melody as well. If you've never checked them out you MUST hear The Crown (especially Deathrace King) and Dew Scented (especially Inwards).

For some killer old school death metal, try some Unleashed (Across the Open Sea, Where No Life Dwells, or the new one called Sworn Allegience are killer) or early Entombed (Clandestine and Wolverine Blues rock!)

I'm into so many more sub-genres as well (black [Emperor, Satyricon, Carpathian Forest] viking black/death [Moonsorrow, Thyrfing] progressive black/death [Opeth, Negura Bunget, Drudkh], and on and on, plus many clean or blended vocal styles as well). :)

MetalRose said:
I was probabally the easiest person to describe and find at PPV. "Where's MetalRose?" "Have you seen the chick in the knee high boots and fishnets?" "Which one?" "Oh, the one in the chain maille halter top!" LOL.

Hey, with all the knee high boots and fishnets running around you need SOMETHING to set you apart right? :lol:
That's the thing about Metal, there isn't one style. I'm into all kinds, thrash, death, industrial, old school, etc.

To be honest... I might not know all the names of the members in the bands, but we can sit and debate/ discuss styles, techniques, progression, sound, etc. We can be total metal geeks! Rock!

Check out this pict from last year:


(Me and Glen Benton and Vital Remains. I ended up talking with Glen's wife for about 2 hours... she was cool as hell too.) I have a picture of me and Chris Barnes somewhere... No clue where it is right now though.

I can promise the chain maille will make another apperance at the Next PP and probabally my corset as well. (Ladies, are we still on for Corset Day at PPVI?)
MetalRose said:
That's the thing about Metal, there isn't one style. I'm into all kinds, thrash, death, industrial, old school, etc.

To be honest... I might not know all the names of the members in the bands, but we can sit and debate/ discuss styles, techniques, progression, sound, etc. We can be total metal geeks! Rock!
Or we could just have a few beers, tell jokes and talk about what a great time we're having. :D

MetalRose said:
Check out this pict from last year:

(Me and Glen Benton and Vital Remains. I ended up talking with Glen's wife for about 2 hours... she was cool as hell too.) I have a picture of me and Chris Barnes somewhere... No clue where it is right now though.
Nice! - there's nothing more unholy than Glenn Benton giving you the horns. Heh.

MetalRose said:
I can promise the chain maille will make another apperance at the Next PP and probabally my corset as well. (Ladies, are we still on for Corset Day at PPVI?)
Now you're talking! Whoo-Hooo!
MetalRose said:
I was probabally the easiest person to describe and find at PPV. "Where's MetalRose?" "Have you seen the chick in the knee high boots and fishnets?" "Which one?" "Oh, the one in the chain maille halter top!" LOL.
Lucky for me I also didn't wear my chain maille halter top. How embarassing would that have been if we were wearing the same thing?

MetalRose said:
I'm more of a thrash/death metal girl, so the only band I really knew about was Savatage. I knew of Edguy, but I'm not a fan. So PPV was all about Savatage for me... until I heard Adagio and Tad Morose, I became of fan of thiers as well.


I'm the same way girl. I'm more of a thrash and death metal girl too. I was there to see Into Enternity and had heard alot about Brainstorm so I wanted to check them out. Ended up being a new fan of some of the bands there plus had a great time with my friends and making new ones.
Harvester said:
From opening (1,2) to headlining (9,10):

1. invitation accepted, await confirmation
2. undecided, three bands in the running

3. confirmed
4. offer on table, feel very good about it

5. offer on table, band trying like hell to make it happen
6. offer on table, await schedule clearance, feel good about it

7. 95% confirmed, fucking stoked!
8. undecided, dicussions to start next week with 2 of them

9. offer on table
10. no fucking clue, 4 "feelers" have been sent out


Glenn H.

Oh Glenn, please make #2 MERCENARY !!!! They would be a better #3 or #4, but you got to take what you can get. What a hell of a 2nd night opener they would be. I know Jakob, Krall, and the boys would love another invite. And hey, they are no longer an oddball if you ask me. 11 Dreams has mad converts out of a lot of folks, so I'm guessing they would go over really well.
