A WTF question....

V.V.V.V.V. said:
That sarcasm was compoletely unclear because, from past posts, you have made yourself out to be almost a complete and total ass. Seriously.

As for "a fucking Orchid or Envy record", maybe you could learn a thing or two about, you know, MUSIC (the kind you know nothing about)?

Ha ha HA HA!!!! :goggly:
You're really making yourself look like much less of a completely worthless dick by not intelligently responding to me calling you out for saying retarded shit and copping-out on it.
...I think all that needed to be proven has been proven by your last few posts.

Good day, sir.

Haha also:

Stormwatch said:
You should have gone to a PROPER school.

...fixed. Perhaps YOU should have gone to a proper school.
Exystence said:
Stormwatch lost.

I always do, you would know that if you had more than 1 post! :zombie: I'm stupid, gay and drunk and I always lose to people more intelligent than me who want to get into an argument over ridiculously silly things!
I'm an idiot!
No I...fully grasp the point. I just corrected you because it was fun and I already totally won this because you had nothing better to say, so it was just funny for me to inform you of your grammar mistake in a sentence where you're telling ME to get educated.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
No I...fully grasp the point. I just corrected you because it was fun and I already totally won this because you had nothing better to say, so it was just funny for me to inform you of your grammar mistake in a sentence where you're telling ME to get educated.

You're still missing the point. I knew fine well my grammar was wrong in that sentence although I must admit I didn't expect you to pick up on it, I thought the more intelligent members of the forum would see that and see how clever I was.
I didn't realise YOU would notice it, fail to see the little joke, and then post ranting about my stupidity.

So, basically, well done for noticing the deliberate mistake.

You dug this whole thing up from a post I made, which was CLEARLY intended to be a bullshit silly post about different types of "-core" genres. Well done, you managed to completely miss every subtle point I made, and yet still think you're Albert Einstein after eating Isaac Newton's anal tract.

What a fucking laugh you've given me tonight with your rants. :waah:

BTW YOU were the one calling everyone else uneducated you thick bastard.