

Apr 20, 2001
Well I dunno what's up with me today!
But I'm so happy right now! :D

Hmm maybe it's due to Arjen! Awww! He's amazing!
I'm happy! Some people that I worried about seem ok too!
I have 4 more days to finish those fucking exams, I had great time with some friends both bb and real life! That's cool!

Ow!Did I mention that Arjen is a god! :)
opps what the hell am I saying? :eek:

I wanna bite Jacqueline's neck! :deb: Ammm seems so fragile! :eek:

*AW jumps over the bed and kicks the pillow away* :)

I'm sure that Arjen makes me happy! :rolleyes: ;)
A strange feeling when the one day you fly to heaven and the other burn in hell...
Hi Lytta! Good to have you here as I'm already tired being the only girl of the forum! :p

They always talk about pink glasses, sexy Clipsy and women types! So I dont have anything to say! :p

Emailed ya btw! :) Wishing you to have patience when reading my email! :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

what I've said before? MEEEEENNN!!!

They think they know everything! :p
Judging by their replies! :p

This can easily make 'em toys! :heh:;)