Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

Shooting Suspect Obsessed With Pantera

By ANITA CHANG, Associated Press Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio - The man who shot former Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott and three other men to death at a nightclub was obsessed with the popular heavy metal band and made bizarre accusations against it, a onetime friend said in reports published Friday.

Jeramie Brey said gunman Nathan Gale once showed up at a friend's house saying he wanted to share songs he had written. The pages of lyrics were copied from Pantera, but Gale claimed he had written them, Brey said.

"He was off his rocker," Brey told The Columbus Dispatch. "He said they were his songs, that Pantera stole them from him and that he was going to sue them."

He later told Brey that he planned to sue Pantera for stealing his identity. Brey and friend Dave Johnson said Gale's behavior frightened them and they distanced themselves from him several years ago. But other friends said they never considered Gale capable of violence.

On Wednesday night, the 25-year-old former Marine charged the stage at a show by Abbott's new band, Damageplan, and gunned down four people including Abbott before a policeman fatally shot him.

Police said Friday they still didn't know Gale's motive, and they may never find out. Some witnesses said Gale yelled accusations that the revered guitarist broke up Pantera, but police had not verified those reports.

An imposing figure at 6-foot-3, Gale had made people uneasy even at the tattoo parlor, staring and locking them into conversations about heavy metal music. When he played offensive line for the semi-pro Lima Thunder football team, he psyched himself up before games by piping Pantera into his headphones, coach Mark Green said.

But Green had not pegged Gale as the type to go on a shooting rampage.

"It wasn't like he was a loner," Green said.

Gale had had minor run-ins with police since 1997 but wasn't considered a troublemaker, according to police in his hometown of Marysville, 25 miles northwest of Columbus.

Gale had served with the 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina until November 2003, when he was discharged after less than half of the typical four-year stint, Marine spokeswoman Gunnery Sgt. Kristine Scarber said. She declined to explain the discharge, citing privacy rules.

A few hours before the shooting, Gale had showed up at Marysville's Bears Den Tattoo Studio, where often he stared at people and forced them into conversations, manager Lucas Bender said.

"He comes in here and likes to hang out when he's not wanted," Bender said. "The most pointless conversations."

On Wednesday he asked about having the studio order tattoo equipment for him, tattoo artist Bo Toler said. Toler told him no, and Gale got angry and started yelling, he said.

"Last night was actually the first time I noticed his temper," Toler said.

No one answered the door Thursday at the Marysville home of Gale's mother, Mary Clark. A message left on her cell phone was not returned.

The violence at the smoke-filled Alrosa Villa club came just after the opening notes by Damageplan, the band formed by Abbott and his brother, drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott, after they left Pantera. Gale dodged two band members, grabbed Darrell Abbott and shot him at least five times in the head, witnesses and police said.

In less than five minutes, Gale had also killed Erin Halk, 29, a club employee who loaded band equipment; fan Nathan Bray, 23, of nearby Grove City; and band bodyguard Jeff Thompson, 40.

Two other band employees, Chris Paluska and John Brooks, remained in a hospital Friday morning with undisclosed injuries. Paluska was listed in good condition and Brooks in serious condition.

On 911 tapes released by authorities, one caller said, "I heard quite a few gunshots and I think somebody in the band definitely has been shot."

A short time later a man called and said: "He's on stage right now. He's got a gun." A moment later, the man said, "He just shot again," and then, "He's got a gun to somebody's head."

Despite a drizzle and temperatures in the 40s, more than 200 people turned up for a vigil Thursday night in the club's parking lot.

Shawn Sweeney, 22, played "old-school Pantera" on an acoustic guitar as a half-dozen young men held a blue tarp over his head and sang along as a crowd gathered.

"This is beautiful, this is absolutely beautiful," Sweeney said.
I just found out this morning that Dimebag was killed Wednesday from a story on the front page of the Dallas Morning News. I'm still in shock. I've spent all morning looking for news stories and articles. Even though this is my first post, after reading these, I wanted to share one of my experiences. I hope it may help a little with everyone's loss.

Back in '87, I saw Pantera at a little club in Lawton, OK called Hard Rocks. After their set, Dime and Vinny came out and had some beers with a number of people in the crowd. A group of us decided to keep going when closing time came around, so we went to an all nude, after hours strip club outside of Lawton. He treated everyone like they were his best friend. He even made me down some beers with him, and even remembered my name. He was a real down to earth, fun loving guy, and he made you feel like you'd been friends forever when you met him. I never got the opportunity to meet up with him again, although I tried at a Pantera/White Zombie show in Wichita, KS in '96.

Since I've been married now and out of the new music scene for quite awhile (I played guitar in a band in my early 20's), I haven't kept up with all the bands I grew up listening to, but after finding out about Dime, I checked the domains for all the bands I used to listen to all the time...Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, etc. It's been cool finding that people still listen to these bands make kick-ass music, and it's still appreciated, even if it's not at the forefront of the music industry anymore.

This is truly a sad day for me, as well as for all of you who love metal. Dime was the most influential guitar player for me since Eddie Van Halen...he's the reason I bought a Whammy Pedal in '94. I don't play as much as I used to, but I still like to get my drink on from time to time and play the CD's I love. I can guarantee you this...tonight, I will be cracking open a 5th of Crown Royal and playing my Pantera CD's, despite of what my wife says.

R.I.P. Darrell.
toki33 said:
That s such a pity, The problem is that such a thing would have never happen in France for exemple cause i live in Paris and i can tell you that none could come into a concert carrying a gun and coming on stage. Just thanks the NRA for keeping USA an ultra_violent society,you're fuckers!! One more dead in the name of weapons supemacy!! All my support to vinnie and all his family inthis painfull moment, the whole metal world is crying on Dimebag, I hope the slaughter's grave will be pissed on
fuck it from Paris
You're right it's all America's fault.
We should make it illegal to buy guns. That way only the lawbreakers will own them.:wave:
You're an idiot.
The only reason that "such a thing would never happen in France" is because Nathan Gale lived in America.
I've read a lot of quotes over the last day from people in the music industry, but Charlie's is the one that really drives everything home. Someone like Dime will be sorely missed and never replaced. Over time, the wounds will heal, but there will always be that scar. It's what's done with that scar that will make a difference.

RIP Dimebag, You are among the Gods now :cry:
toki33 said:
That s such a pity, The problem is that such a thing would have never happen in France for exemple cause i live in Paris and i can tell you that none could come into a concert carrying a gun and coming on stage. Just thanks the NRA for keeping USA an ultra_violent society,you're fuckers!! One more dead in the name of weapons supemacy!! All my support to vinnie and all his family inthis painfull moment, the whole metal world is crying on Dimebag, I hope the slaughter's grave will be pissed on
fuck it from Paris
I just wanted to say something:
3 years ago, a crazy man entered in a room to kill politics in the suburbs of Paris, it's almost the same sad event here...

So... Toki33, "think before you speak"

But, above all, this thread is dedicated to the memory of Dimebag Darrel...

So, I hope the "pink-beard man" now can play with Jimi Hendrix or Randy Rhoads...

Gone but never forgotten \m/
i went through the UK papers yesterday to see what they wrote, and to kind of comfirm to my mind this is all true as i still couldn't actually believe it.

last night i dreamt dimebag walked up to me pre-concert and gave me a high 5...

Those of you who are looking for the submission guidelines for this project I will be posting them on a journal that is hosted on GreatestJournal. This one is the one I say get the word out about, I want to have everyone who contributed to this project as much as possible and the book will be up to 337 pages at the most. So if you have some ideas of how I can take this short story anthology into a direction of keeping his memory alive let me know. My email is linked to that place and you can send stories in either the .doc or .rtf formats; but watch the way you place your tabs because will stretch the text if one isn't careful.
Brentney Spears said:
The only thing that remotely makes me feel good is just imagining some sort of huge festival on some hot ass summer day where everyone is there and we're all drinking Jagr and Crown, moshing our asses off and screaming our lungs out. Maybe in Heaven someday. Hell'd be fine too. Somehow Dime in Heaven doesn't seem right even though he was a Saint.
I hear you man... the best way to remember Dime is to live life like he did... going above and beyond the call of duty in trying to make people happy. I think he was the most unselfish person I've ever seen and had the privlege to have met. He was the biggest example of the golden rule.

I'm hoping he's playing some ZZ Top up there for the Big Guy who looks like he's in ZZ Top. My Mom's probably up there saying "I still have to hear this?!?!"
I toasted Dime, my friend who had a stroke and Mom hard last Thursday nite with Whiskey beer and lots of Damage Plan and Pantera. I'm not enjoying these holidays outside of my wife, son and niece whom I'm thankful for.
DarbysDad said:
I toasted Dime, my friend who had a stroke and Mom hard last Thursday nite with Whiskey beer and lots of Damage Plan and Pantera. I'm not enjoying these holidays outside of my wife, son and niece whom I'm thankful for.
Here's a toast to Darrell, your friend, your MOM, and you DD. :headbang:

Wishing you the best bud!!
Now, I realize what happened, I woke up from this nightmare...
I feel better now but, when every time I saw his face on magazines, I feel a real bitterness...

I don't forget to think about Mayhem and all the other victims...

I hope John "The Kat" Brooks will rapidly leave hospital

I don't forget to think about Vinnie Paul and the rest of Damageplan (so glad to see them alive!)

:headbang: :kickass:
Thank you Mr Dimebag Darrell for what you've done for the Heavy Metal Scene!!! You are gone but never forgotten!!!
:kickass: :headbang:


RIP Man!